Transitioning between Medicine and Nursing: Stories of Medical Professionals Changing Roles

2023-07-03 14:07:10

On occasions, some nurses have confessed that, after finishing their academic and professional training in this field, they have returned to the classrooms of the Universidad to train in Medicine. This change in role is not something isolated, but also occurs among doctors who think of going the other way and embarking on the path of Nursing.

Doctor Mini is one of those medical who believes that making this turn in his life is not such a crazy idea. “Am I the only person who has done Medicine and today he would like to have done Nursing? Those people exist, yes,” she says in a comment posted on his Twitter account.

Speaking to this newspaper, the doctor assures that “Nursing is very stigmatized, despite being very pretty”. She explains that she is currently ending her time as resident through which you will obtain the specialty in Medicine. His intentions, as he affirms, is to exercise once his training process is finished. However, he does not close the gates to return to the starting box.

“In the future I do not rule out training in this field,” he explains, referring to the Nursing and he qualifies: “Cases like this must be made visible.” The only problem he finds in this double formation would be to start over after years of absolute dedication to the Medicine. “It’s a lot of struggle and fatigue. But hey, life takes many turns, who knows where we end up,” she explains, open to any possibility.

From Nursing to Medicine

Mar Forner is a nurse who decided to prepare to be a doctor. His vocation is innate. No one in her family was a doctor, but since she was very little, it was clear to her that she wanted to be a “nice doctor.” However, it was not easy for her to achieve her goal and it took her nine years to get into the career of Medicine. She came with the benefit of having worked for years as a nurse, so she considers herself lucky.

With the intention of “motivating and demonstrating that it is possible”, baker He detailed through a thread from his Twitter profile how he achieved this dream, since there are many people in the same situation. She explained that while the institute was “rolled” for her, the EBAU did not go well and Mar chose to do Nursing y Physiotherapy in a private university with the intention of later entering Medicine. In this way, he started a long way until he got the long-awaited position.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend to the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a health professional.

#doctor #today #prefer #nurse

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