Twitch: This FR streamer offers a collective solution to fight harassment

Unfortunately, cases of harassment are more numerous on Twitch and for some streamers/streamers, a simple live can quickly turn into a nightmare. Despite the company’s attempts to protect its users, content creators (mostly) are targets of unjustified harassment. Fortunately, however, the streamers are united and in order to fight against the harassment, Billy had an idea. Against this injustice, French-speaking influencers are joining forces and it’s good to hear.

“It’s a double facet that I don’t like at all”

After a well-deserved break, streamer Billy returned to his main activity yesterday in front of thousands of viewers eagerly awaiting his return. During this live, he returned to various subjects that have been talked about on the networks, including the recurring harassment of which French-speaking streamers are often victims. On this subject, the streamer had an idea and offers his colleagues to gather on a discord. On the latter, the Block Lists of content creators who are victims of harassment would be shared.which would then be applied to all streamers on the server.

According to Billy, many users harass streamers to then come and follow his lives without causing any problems. He says it: “It’s a double facet that I don’t like at all”. This sharing between streamers could allow them to block any problematic user.

“There are guys who are obnoxious on the girl stream and who are all nice on my stream, or Amine’s stream or I don’t know who’s stream. And that’s a double facet that I like not at all. The goal is that basically the whole block list of these streamers there it is communicated on a discord with all the streamers and streamers who want to be part of the thing. This block list must be applies to all of our streams.

That is to say that a guy who is banned at Maghla, at Deujna at Shynouh, only streamers, that automatically bans them everywhere and the more streamers there are who would join the thing, the more people would say ‘shit I will avoid pissing her off.


The streamer says this is not an idea that will stop all bullying on Twitch but which aims to limit it as much as possible… and content creators seem to buy into the project. As proof, the streamer spicyhoney_ replied to the excerpt, saying: “Koumo did it for me and it made it possible to display some cases that behave completely normally for him… It’s a very good idea […]”.

A new way to protect your Twitch channel

While it existed previously through the Streamdeck and other options, the shield has been totally reinvented by Twitch and now allows streamers to further protect themselves. The real strength of this feature is that it combines several already existing protection tools such as blocking messages in the chat or even verifying the telephone number/email. From now on, all these functionalities can be used in one click!

In addition to this, two new tools have been added to the shield: the ban of certain phrases/words in particular as well as the prohibition to send first messages on a chat especially. Of course, these features can be activated/deactivated quickly and above all prevent banned stalkers from returning with new accounts on the channel of a content creator/creator.

“The security job is never done, and we’re working on more tools that make it easier to moderate your channel. As we move forward, we’re focusing more on features, like this, that are customizable and can be easily scaled up or down to reflect your needs at the time. We also work to stop damage before it happens.”



We now hope that Billy’s idea and the tools of the platform will serve to limit the harassment that hundreds of content creators experience every day. It’s time for all of this to end and everyone to be able to stream in peace on Twitch!

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