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2023-11-11 02:21:00


11 Nov. 2023 09:21 a.m.

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From the discussion on World Immunization Day 2023, World Immunization Day 2023, under the concept of “Combining forces to build immunity, prevent disease: Lifetime immunization when vaccines are important for all ages” Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thawee Chotipitayasunon President of the Influenza Education Foundation and the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Association of Thailand Mentioning the influenza vaccine for children, the 2023 influenza is likely to be more severe. Because the control of COVID-19 in the past 3 years has contributed to the influenza temporarily disappearing.

Students and working people are the groups most at risk for influenza infection. But the elderly group is the group at highest risk of death. Therefore, vaccination is considered a highly safe measure. The injection can be given from the age of 6 months and up. Currently, studies have found that the advantages of influenza vaccination are: It can also prevent heart attacks, strokes, and myocardial infarction. In addition, it is necessary to vaccinate children against pneumococcal disease (PCV), a vaccine that is not yet included in the childhood immunization plan. We must push for success.

Dr. Sophon Iamsirithaworn Deputy Director-General of the Department of Disease Control said that during the COVID outbreak This causes Thai children to receive less basic vaccines, such as measles and whooping cough vaccines. In some areas, coverage is reduced to only 70%, resulting in increased numbers of measles and whooping cough cases.

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