Unbearable menstrual pain – what to do?

Unbearable menstrual pain – what to do?

Anyone who suffers from menstrual pain can initially use home remedies to provide relief. warmth relaxes and has an antispasmodic effect, which is why a hot-water bottle or a hot bath can have a beneficial effect on the symptoms. A hot one can also be particularly pleasant Belly pad with chamomile be. To do this, pour boiling water over one to two tablespoons of chamomile flowers. Cover the mixture and let it steep for a few minutes. Then dip a towel into the mixture (beware of possible burns) and wring it out. Then wrap around the stomach. Also should potato wrap, abdominal massages, smooth movement in the form of yoga, as well Teas made from medicinal plants can provide a remedy. Popular types of tea include sage, ginger, yarrow, chaste tree, lady’s mantle or St. John’s wort. On top of that, acupressure is said to be able to help with severe menstrual pain.

If natural home remedies have no effect, it is advisable to take them anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or diclofenac. These inhibit prostaglandin production, which in turn relieves menstrual pain. Since the painkillers attack the stomach lining, they should not be taken too often. Alternatively, a preparation that protects the gastric mucosa can be taken.

In certain cases, however, you should in case of severe menstrual pain medical advice catch up. For example, if the cramps occur suddenly or are unusually severe and/or there is unusually heavy bleeding, you should have the symptoms checked by a doctor to rule out serious causes.

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Endometriosis or Period Pain?

Since pain is always subjective, it is difficult to distinguish between severe menstrual pain and endometriosis without an examination. In general, cramps that are so severe that they severely impair the quality of life are not normal. Typically occur in endometriosis as well Pain during or after intercourse on. In addition, there may be complaints such as nausea, Vomit and Diarrhea come. If the endometriosis foci settle in organs such as the bladder or intestines, problems with urination or bowel movements can also occur. If in doubt, medical advice should always be sought. With the help of various examinations, including an examination of the abdominal cavity, it can be clearly clarified whether the symptoms are endometriosis or not.

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