underrated conductors of our emotions

2023-06-22 11:56:34

Many of us are reluctant to hear that our hormones influence our behavior, arguing that “we are not animals! “. However, recent works lift the veil on these underestimated conductors of our emotions in order to help us make allies of them.

Female hormones, are we talking about them?

Dr. Sarah E. Hill, a specialist in evolutionary psychology, illustrates in This is your brain on birth control [Voici votre cerveau sous pilule, non traduit en français, NDLR] how changing your body’s hormonal climate can change your life. Her work leads her to affirm that, on oral hormonal contraception, a woman develops a different version of herself » and that going pill-free would be like going from digital to analogue sound, which is richer in nuances (see box below).

Martie Haselton, a psychology researcher who pioneered how hormone cycles influence women’s sexuality and social relationships, agrees. The author of The hidden intelligence of hormones, the female 6th sense revealed (ed. Quanto) estimates that “ we do not help women by hiding this information “. Thus, understanding the weight of hormones on our lives has no not for the purpose ofrevive » clichés of the woman becoming « hormonal » certain days of his cycle, but rather to understand how our hormones “guide to make them allies.

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On the pill, life in black and white

In This is your brain on birth control, Dr. Hill details how the pill tends to cause a deficit in cortisol, a hormone that helps cope with various stresses and promotes immunity and memory. This would explain in particular why many women have the impression of feeling everything less intensely on the pill, to see their emotions as “flattened “. These lowered cortisol levels in turn promote prediabetes, cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases as well as weight gain. So, the pill would change neither more nor less”how women experience life and the world ». All this without their knowledge since he is, according to her, “almost impossible to distinguish between what hormones do to us and what we are ».

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Testosterone far from clichés

Testosterone, often incriminated to justify aggression or an overflowing libido, has a role more complex than one would think, as well as positive effects on the emotions of these gentlemen. First, it plays an important role in mental health and can help maintain a normal mood. Indeed, men with lower than normal testosterone levels may suffer from irritability or depression.

Likewise, studies show that testosterone does not necessarily have to be associated with the bully cliché since it promotes, on the contrary, avigilance ” and an “emotional reactivity » heightened and makes men, in a way, more emotional. Other experiments show that higher testosterone levels make “more sincere » ; by having a positive effect on self-esteem, this hormone would reduce the tendency to lie.

The hormone diet

Aware of the role of hormones on our health, Dr. Thierry Hertoghe invites us intoThe hormone diet (ed. Thierry Souccar) at “restore in a natural way » the optimal balance of these by adjusting the foods that regulate it. As he explains, “each individual has hereditary specificities “, more hormones are able to “transform” our appearance and, by rebalancing them, we can improve our professional, sentimental, physical… and aesthetic condition: “They can offer us a flat stomach, steely muscles, a luminous complexion, thick hair and slender hands. »

For him, no fatality. For example when we get older,we all tend to get fat, swell, lose tone “, more “the cause should not be attributed solely to the weight of the passing years “. Rather, everything would depend onour biochemical state which can be improved via food.

This information illustrates the role of hormones in our lives, emotions and health. Also, maybe it’s time to give them a proper place in our lives.

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Yoga des hormones

Through breathing and specific postures, hormonal therapeutic yoga is designed to help rebalance the hormonal system. Renowned for helping limit premenstrual syndrome where the discomforts of menopause, this yoga is often similar to traditional hatha yoga. Moreover, studies show that the practice of yoga (even traditional) reduces our levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), which is good for your overall hormonal balance since cortisol tends to “grill priority” to other hormones in the body.

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Healthy living for the sake of hormones

Four activities to recharge your happiness hormone

The secretion of dopamine, the hormone of happiness, is favored by the following activities. Do not hesitate to practice them as often as possible:

  • Listen to music. Capable of stimulating the same hormonal secretions as certain drugs, it is even used in the hospital to accompany stressful or painful acts.
  • Pet your pet. Dogs, purring cats or rabbits are real assets to make us secrete dopamine but also oxytocin (the hormone of love).
  • Practice a physical activity. Especially running, strength training, swimming, walking and hiking.
  • Make love. Having an orgasm releases many other beneficial hormones that help prevent heart disease, get rid of headaches…and even look younger than your age!

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#underrated #conductors #emotions

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