UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING. Papillomavirus: generalization of the vaccine, age, sex, cancer, Raoult… what you need to know

To fight against the virus responsible for cancers, a vaccination campaign will be implemented. But why is it essential in terms of public health? Who is concerned ?

Emmanuel Macron announced on February 28 the implementation of a free and “generalized” vaccination campaign against the papillomavirus in colleges for 5th graders. What is it and why is it important?

What is this virus?

THE human papillomaviruses or human papilloma virus are many. Human papillomavirus infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections through contact of mucous membranes and skin.

About 70% to 80% of sexually active men and women are estimated to encounter HPV at least once in their lifetime.

Is the infection dangerous?

Infection with a papillomavirus is in most cases harmless. The virus is eliminated and there are no symptoms or side effects after infection, as the dedicated site reports. papillomavirus.fr. It may also depend on the type of papillomavirus present in the organism.

Because in about 10% of cases, theinfection can become “persistent” and lead to precancerous lesions on the skin and mucous membranes, which can subsequently cause cancer.

What cancers?

According to a study by Circ, more than 6,000 cancers (i.e. 2% of cancers) per year in France (600,000 cancers worldwide) are attributable to exposure to papillomaviruses and could be avoided through prevention.

And this does not only affect women: 1/3 of these cancers concern men.

Papillomaviruses are linked to the appearance of several cancers: cervix, vagina, vulva, but also anus, penis and several cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract, including the mouth and throat.

HPVs are responsible for 2,900 cancers of the cervix per year, 1,500 cancers of the ENT sphere, 1,500 cancers of the anus, 200 cancers of the vulva or vagina and a hundred cancers of the penis, such as bring it back BFM.

When to get vaccinated against the papillomavirus?

The vaccine is recommended for young people aged 11 to 14 years oldas stated on the site Amelia. It is all the more effective when people have not yet been exposed to the risk of infection by the papillomavirus, that is to say to sexual activity.

In catch-upthe vaccine is recommended for people of 15 to 19 years old not yet vaccinated.

HPV vaccination is recommended for men having sex with men, up to the age of 26 in the prevention of precancerous anal lesions, anal cancers and warts.

What vaccines are available?

Two vaccines can be used: Cervarix, a bivalent vaccine (which protects against type 16,18 viruses) and the Gardasil 9, a nine-valent vaccine (which also protects against type 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58 viruses).

Who is concerned ?

Contrary to popular belief, papillomaviruses do not infect only girls or women. Boys and men are equally affected.

Both young boys and girls are encouraged to get vaccinated.

Why generalize the vaccine at college

By the end of 2021, 45.8% of 15-year-old girls had received one dose of the vaccine, and only 6% of boys of the same age. The objective being 80% of young people by 2030.

Adverse effects of the vaccine?

To date, there is no no scientific evidence of adverse effects seriousness of this vaccine, as reported Release.

Didier Raoult, great defender of this vaccine

Didier Raoult is favorable widespread vaccination against human papillomaviruses (HPV) for many years.

He even declared in a video: “It is estimated that there are 2,000 deaths per year in France from cancers that are induced by the papillomavirus. It is a real public health priority.”

Besides, he specified having vaccinated his children, his son as well as his daughters.

This will bug the conspis who scream against the vaccine against the papillomavirus / HPV.
Here, Raoult himself promotes this vaccine, without age limit, and even wants to punish those who misinform on the subject. https://t.co/o42DQKdgSR

— Tristan Mendes France (@tristanmf) March 2, 2023

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