Understanding Asperger Syndrome: Characteristics and Diagnosis

2023-09-04 12:33:15

According to the website ‘Autism Confederation Spain’, Asperger’s syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder that affects the way people interact with others. Below we will explain some of the characteristics of this syndrome.

What is Asperger Syndrome?

According to the same portal, it is a neurodevelopmental disorder. A person with this syndrome functions in a different way than usual, especially when communicating and interacting with other people.

This shares some characteristics with autism, however, the patient has a fluent language and an intellectual capacity that is average or even higher than that of the rest of the population. It manifests itself from an early age and is mainly evidenced by the difficulty in social relationships.

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What are their characteristics?

As mentioned above, patients maintain their intellectual and language skills, and there are no physical differences between those with Asperger’s and those without. They often show special abilities in specific areas, since they have restricted interests. In this sense, it is common to find people with this profile in professions such as mathematics or engineering.

According to the ‘Itasaludmenta’ portal, although Asperger manifests itself in various ways, there are some common characteristics:

Difficulty expressing and channeling emotions and interpreting those of others. Difficulty in social interaction and lack of social skills. Despite showing motivation towards them. Use of repetitive and stereotyped behaviors. Restriction of interests limited to very specific areas. Exaggerated dependence on daily routines and habits. In some cases there is motor difficulty. High intolerance to change or frustration. In adolescents with this syndrome regarding emotions, according to the theory of doctors Ghauziuddin, Ghauziuddin and Greden, they seem to be particularly at risk of suffering behavioral and emotional problems, especially when it comes to emotions of anxiety and depression. The main source of stress in the life of a person with Asperger’s is social contact, and increased stress usually leads to anxiety disorders and depression.

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Who diagnoses Asperger syndrome?

Asperger syndrome can be diagnosed by two types of professionals: psychologists and psychiatrists. After the person is diagnosed, interventions can be carried out that allow them to know themselves, promote emotional introspection and acquire skills that allow them to function on a day-to-day basis, in addition to providing tools to families and the environment so that the relationship is better.


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