Understanding Car Insurance Coverage for Damage from Black Rain: Tips and Considerations

2023-09-08 06:14:23

Vehicles fell into pits on the road under black rain (AFP clip)

It rained all night, some parking lots were roofless, and many dead cars and trucks were seen on the road. Car owners and drivers are asking, if their vehicles are damaged or damaged by black rain, will their insurance cover them? How to calculate compensation? Is there anything to pay attention to in the insurance terms?

Full car insurance covers you in bad weather, but pay attention to the terms

Many insurance companies have stated that driving a private car under a black rainstorm warning is covered by comprehensive car insurance. With comprehensive car insurance, you can get 24-hour free emergency towing service in the event of heavy rain and car fire. On the other hand, there will be a lot of sand and gravel on the road before and after it rains. When driving on the highway, it is more likely to be hit by gravel bullets, causing damage to the windshield. At this time, you can also get a free replacement.

However, some insurance companies explain that they will only compensate for losses subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, including proof that driving was necessary and reasonable at the time (such as driving home or sending an emergency patient to the hospital). They also specify that drivers must pay attention to safety. Stop driving if possible.

If, after the assessment, the insurance company learns that the car owner drove to a high-risk area unnecessarily, the insurance company will consider that the car owner did not make reasonable efforts to avoid accidents and refuse to accept the application. Therefore, the car owner should not assume that the car owner will The mentality of ignoring the dangers of the road.


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