Understanding Flies and Dark Spots in Vision: When to Seek Medical Attention

2023-10-18 08:21:29

What might cause “flies” or dark spots to appear before the eyes, and when does this condition require seeing a doctor?

Dr. Olga Kalmykova, a neurologist, said in an interview with Sputnik Radio that these “flies” usually appear before the eyes when the body position changes suddenly or the person carries a certain weight. In general, in most cases, the appearance of these dark spots indicates high blood pressure, but there are other reasons for their appearance.

She says: “These spots often appear against the background of high blood pressure, when the vessels of the brain are exposed to spasm or hypertonicity. In addition, they can be caused by low blood pressure, or low arterial blood pressure, eye diseases, and anemia. “It could be a manifestation of migraine or diabetes.”

According to her, a doctor should be consulted if these spots appear before the eyes more than three to four times a month.

She says: “If these spots recur more than three to four times a month, you must consult your physician, perform clinical and biochemical blood tests, check your blood sugar level, and perform a glycated hemoglobin test, in addition to examining your brachiocephalic blood vessels with ultrasound.” It is also better to do an EKG.”

According to her, in light of the results of these tests, it may be necessary to see a cardiologist, ophthalmologist, or even a neurologist.

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#doctor #explains #reason #appearance #flies #eyes

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