Understanding the Risks: Video Game Addiction and Mental Health Concerns in Youth

2023-08-30 20:33:15

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH- On World Video Game Day, it is necessary to make the youth population aware of the risk that the misuse of this activity poses to physical and mental health.

Until a few years ago, video game lovers were considered freaks, but nowadays, there is rarely a house that does not have at least one console from one of the three most legendary big brands: Nintendo, Play Station and Xbox.

Addiction to video games in adolescents has become a major challenge for society.

The use of screens is increasing and the poor consumption of fiction games can cause mental health problems or social isolation, among others.

Karla Aroyo, psychologist and doctor in social work, explains: “No. Video games cannot change your children, but they can normalize the situations your children face. For example, a video game does not teach your children to kill, but it can normalize the fact of killing a person, normalize the lack of empathy and the use of weapons.

Video game addiction is a mental illness recognized by the World Health Organization. In addition, the misuse of these devices is associated with other health problems such as a sedentary lifestyle or anxiety.

“The games that your children play have to be congruent with the ethic of your house. If the values ​​of your house is killing people, then perhaps this is normal for you. I believe that this is not a normally acceptable value and I believe that this is where dad plays a very important role”, adds Aroyo.

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