They hang a blanket with AMLO and Santa Muerte shirts in the Senate

MEXICO CITY.- On the eve of the start of the ordinary session where the reform that creates the Welfare Pension will be discussed, opposition senators placed a large blanket in the room with the call “death t-shirt” by Morena, where President López Obrador is defended.

The canvas appeared minutes before the session and PAN senator Lily Téllez posed with rosary in her hand.

On the sign you can see the publication made on Morena’s X account that says: “A real man never speaks badly of López Obrador. Good morning!”, accompanied by the photo of the controversial shirt with the image of Santa Muerte.

The banner was placed on the side where the PAN seats are and was hung by the legislators of that party, Victor Fuentes y Alfredo Botello. She covered the entire wall of honor.

Santa Muerte T-shirt to support AMLO

As we reported, the Mexican Catholic Church yesterday criticized “distorted cults” such as the figure of the Holy Death and released a video of Bishop Ramón Castro Castro, general secretary of the CEM. This message was replicated today in the Senate at the request of legislator Josefina Vázquez Mota.

“It is making an apology for death in a country that urgently needs the construction of peace. We say no to the culture of death and yes to the culture of peace,” said Josefina Vázquez.

Read. The Church asks to reject violence following controversy over a shirt regarding AMLO

For Morena, Omar Olguin Franco accused the PAN members of “pretending to be very Christian, but they are of the Holy Inquisition and in reality, false Christians.”

Lilly Tellez He went up to the podium to point out that, in his morning, the President López Obrador He had “defended the holy death, arguing that it is holy, but it is not holy, it is diabolical.”

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#hang #blanket #AMLO #Santa #Muerte #shirts #Senate
2024-05-01 07:55:34



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