Unlocking the Secrets of the Blue Zones: Discover the Key to Longevity and Happiness

2023-09-16 10:14:21

To live with health and happiness for a long time is the desire of all of us, right? However, there are countries in this world that live like that. Experts and others call this long-lived place as ‘Blue Zones’.

It is said that their long life is due to proper lifestyle and happy life. In 1999, author Dan Buettner wrote an article for the World Health Organization. It claims that the people of Okinawa, Japan have the longest life expectancy in the world. Not only that, they were also found to be healthy till the end.

Later in a study he learned that only 20 percent of our lifespan is influenced by our genes. Excited to learn more about it, Buettner began searching for places similar to Okinawa.

So he learned about it and wrote a book called “The Bluezone’s Secrets for Living Longer: Lessons from the Healthiest Places on Earth”. In that book, Buettner introduces five places he calls Blue Zones. Those places are Neuro in Sardinia, Italy, Ikaria in Greece, Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica, Okinawa in Japan, and Loma Linda in California.

He cites many reasons for living longer, healthier and happier lives. These include having a sense of purpose, good social relationships, putting family first, and eating well. Most of their diet consists of fruits, vegetables and grains.

However, Buettner says that with the introduction of processed foods with more sugar and salt and mobile phones, these bluezones have begun to change. It means that many places can no longer be considered as such.

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