Unprecedented Heatwave: France and Belgium Experience Soaring Temperatures

2023-08-19 09:39:47

France will be subject to another phenomenon: “A dome of heat is a situation that we encounter when there is a very powerful anticyclone, high pressures on the surface and high pressures aloft, and it will form a kind of bell. These pressures will cause the air to compress, heating up this mass of air enclosed in its bell, and maintaining a kind of vicious circle. And it is then very complicated to have a depression that can dislodge this complex. This is the case in the Mediterranean basin, where the climate is relatively stable in summer. With us, there is more frequently an oceanic influence which will tend to sweep away this heat dome, fortunately. In France, temperatures should slightly exceed the threshold of 40 degrees. There is an upwelling of subtropical air from the Sahara. A few days ago in Morocco, the absolute temperature record for this country was broken by crossing the 50 degree threshold in Agadir”.

It’s disturbing to see that in the top 10 hottest summers, there are five of the last six summers

Many Belgians believe that they are living through a rainy summer of 2023: “But we must not forget that in meteorology summer starts on June 1 and June 2023 was the hottest in our history. But overall July was not that cool (3 tenths of a degree below normal) and August will probably be within normal. In 2023, we are in the seventh place of the hottest summers in Belgium since 1833. It is worrying to see that in the top 10 of the hottest summers, there There are five of the last six summers: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022 and 2023. It is absolutely undeniable that summers are strongly impacted by the global warming that has been observed for thirty years, but which has significantly accelerated since 2015”. And this warming amplifies the phenomena in one direction or the other, as when at the beginning of August the temperatures did not exceed 16 degrees, he continues.

The increase in average temperatures in Belgium is “quite impressive: between the middle of the 19th century and the last thirty years we have gained 2.1 degrees. But over the past thirty years we have gained 1.2 degrees. More than half of this gain has occurred over the last thirty years. ‘years”.

#Pascal #Mormal #IRM #seventh #place #hottest #summers #Belgium #worrying

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