Unveiling the 5 Chronic Poisons Lurking in Everyday Life: From Organ Damage to Cancer, Learn How to Fix It!

2023-10-09 21:23:27

be careful! Doctors warn of 5 chronic poisons found in everyday life Unconsciously destroying organs Plus it can cause cancer. Ready to point out how to fix it in detail.

Did you know? Today you may be drugged every day without even realizing it! Some toxins can be hidden unexpectedly in everyday life and become chronic. When they are young they will have a strong liver and kidney system that can detoxify them. But if toxins have accumulated for many years In mild cases, it can damage the liver, kidneys, heart, brain, bone marrow and immune system. In severe cases, cancer can occur.

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Dr. Hong Yongxiang, a kidney doctor, revealed this on his Facebook page to serve as a reminder and example to the public. It mentioned that patients often ask questions while seeing the doctor, “Dr. Hong, why do I have lung cancer even though I don’t smoke or drink?”, “Dr. Hong, why does my nose have severe congestion when I sleep?”, “Dr. Hong, why do I feel nauseous and vomiting when I do laundry?”

“Dr. Hong, why do I get more and more sleepy the more I sleep?”, “Dr. Hong, why does the liver and kidney function deteriorate when I drink coffee?”, “Dr. Hong, why did I find the cause of the blood disease? Zhang couldn’t find it even though I ate normally.”, “Dr. Hong, why do I keep getting colds after redecorating my house?”, “Dr. Hong, why are my eyes red and dizzy when driving recently?”, etc.

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Many patients and doctors cannot find the cause of the disease. Likely to have chronic poisoning. which chronic poisoning occurs unconsciously in one’s life It is often the result of wrong behavior without realizing it, causing you to face chronic toxicity every day, along with Dr. Hong Yongxiang revealing that 5 Chronic poisons that are common in everyday life

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The first toxins in life are inhalation toxins such as second-hand cigarette smoke, third-hand cigarette smoke, kitchen smoke, burnt gold paper, car perfume, bedroom aroma, boiled steam, e-cigarettes, Traditional mosquito coils, electric mosquito coils and decorative formaldehyde, etc.

Dr. Hong Yongxiang revealed that Inhaled toxins usually include benzene, alcohol, aldehydes, alkanes, arsenic, lead, carbon monoxide. and polycyclic aromatic hydrogen, etc. Short-term exposure may cause symptoms such as coughing, headache, eye irritation, sore throat, sneezing, nausea, difficulty breathing, and irregular heartbeat. Long-term exposure can cause more serious chest and allergy problems such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema, liver and kidney failure, and increased rates of heart disease and lung cancer.

Including Dr. Hong Yongxiang said Even if you don’t smoke at home. But toxic fumes and dust left on clothes can still float to carpets, floors, and beds at home for up to three months. When the wind blows, members of your family will accidentally inhale it.

Also known as thirdhand smoke, e-cigarettes are as harmful to the body as cigarettes. In addition, kitchen smoke is the main cause of lung cancer among housewives. Therefore, when boiling hot water, pay attention to the trihalomethanes in the vapor. water If you do not filter tap water in advance The range hood should be turned on after boiling water. Open the lid for another 2 minutes to absorb trihalomethane, chlorine, and other toxins.

Additionally, it is recommended to try to use mosquito nets and not to use any conventional or electronic mosquito coils. When burning incense sticks or gold paper, wear a mask and do so in an open or well-ventilated area as much as possible. Including not recommending the use of any perfume in the car. If you start smelling perfume and feel irritated, itchy or dizzy, you must discard it immediately.

The second toxin in life is fungal toxins, such as bathroom mold, pet dander, athlete’s socks, damp and poor quality coffee beans, nuts and peanuts that have been opened for a long time, moldy pillows, Bedspreads and mattresses

Dr Hong Yongxiang warns that mold not only releases allergens and causes allergies and asthma. But some highly toxic fungi can also cause severe lung disease and even death. To prevent toxins from fungi In particular, aflatoxin damages the liver and orchretoxin damages the kidneys.

Pets with dandruff and fungus will need treatment. and the environment in which it is exposed must be completely free of mold. If a family member has yeast symptoms Socks should be washed separately. Nail clippers must be used separately and thoroughly examined by a doctor.

Do not drink coffee that is cracked or rotten. If food is found to be moldy or expired, it should be discarded immediately. It is recommended to store coffee beans, nuts and peanuts in a cool, dry place. Far from direct sunlight This is because if placed in a place with high temperatures and humidity, it will help the toxic aflatoxins to multiply. Additionally, if the bag is too big to eat at one time, It is recommended to separate the bag into smaller bags and squeeze out the air. Seal and store in the refrigerator.

Studies from abroad have found that The average pillow can grow up to 16 different types of mold and can also be a breeding ground for dust mites. However, pillow cores are generally difficult to clean, so I would like to remind everyone to dry them with a hair dryer. This includes cleaning sheets, sheets, and pillowcases once a week. If you have time, dry your duvet and pillows to sterilize them at high temperatures.

The third poison in life is cleaning chemicals such as laundry detergent, laundry perfume blocks, dishwashing liquid, sponges, bathroom perfume, bleach and mold removers. Dr. Hong Yongxiang said that the study Found that laundry detergent softener And some anti-static papers can release 25 organic solvents, including carcinogens, benzene and acetaldehyde when heated and dried.

Other scented laundry products can also release toxic chemicals. Additionally, if your laundry detergent contains the insecticide permethrin, It can easily remain on clothes. This may cause allergic reactions such as rashes. Children may lose concentration if exposed for long periods of time. Including causing lung cancer and liver cancer.

In addition, Dr. Hong Yongxiang also warned that When using a technical sponge for washing dishes, be careful of the toxic effects of formaldehyde and melamine. Melamine is very harmful to kidney and bladder health. Long-term exposure can cause bladder or kidney cancer.

Formaldehyde is a first-degree carcinogen and may increase the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer and leukemia. Therefore, it is recommended not to use technical sponges to wash dishes, pots, fruits, and vegetables, as melamine can easily be ingested. And do not use warm water to wash. Because it may easily dissolve toxins.

Common household bleaches contain mostly sodium hypochlorite. This can irritate and corrode exposed parts. When the skin or eyes are exposed, the irritation can cause inflammation, corneal damage. and the skin can burn If inhaled, it can cause aspiration pneumonia. or even respiratory failure

Prevent cleaning of toxic chemicals today. When washing clothes, drying clothes, or cleaning the bathroom, consider the ventilation of the environment and wear a mask. When drying clothes, turn on the fan at a low air level to help dry and maintain a distance of more than 10 cm between drying clothes.

The fourth poison in life is heat and poison from containers, such as putting hot soup in a plastic bag, using the wrong microwave container, grilling and frying food until it burns. Dr. Hong Yongxiang points out that using plastic bags or containers that do not meet the criteria for hot food or microwaves, such as melamine plates, which are plastics made from the condensation of formaldehyde and melamine as raw materials.

Using such plastic containers to store food can easily produce plasticizers. This can cause problems with the reproductive system. Infertility Including the risk of cancer. Dr. Hong Yongxiang warns that stainless steel and ceramic glasses can be used to store hot food and that special microwave containers must be used to heat food in a microwave. Most importantly, do not eat. charred food

The fifth poison in life is skin toxins such as shampoos, lotions, facial masks, skin care products, cosmetics, pain relief creams, refreshing essential oils, hair gels, and hair dyes. Dr. Hong Yong Xiang said: “So-called skin toxins are chemical toxins that enter the body through the skin and then spread and accumulate through the blood and lymph.”

along with a warning that When the skin is exposed to chemicals Concentration of approximately 0.5% penetrates into the skin through sweat gland gaps or hair follicles. Once penetrated into the skin, some toxins may remain in the subcutaneous tissue or even enter the circulatory system through blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, thus accumulating in the body in the long term. It may not only cause cellular lesions but may also cause cancer.

Dr. Hong Yongxiang said that toxins from the skin are completely different from toxins that enter through the mouth! This is because the liver is responsible for detoxifying. More than 90% of toxins taken orally can be metabolized and broken down. If toxins from the skin are expelled from the body The body must be able to excrete only 10% from the body.

Fluorescent agents, surfactants, plasticizers, heavy metals, fragrances and fragrance binders. or spray Furniture, clothing, and other everyday items may contain hidden “formaldehyde” and other chemicals. Even small amounts of these chemicals are not harmful. But when exposed to excessive amounts It can range from allergic reactions, liver and kidney failure, and infertility. to cancer

The longer it is in contact with the skin, the more careful you must be, such as washing off facial cleanser and shampoo after regular use. But be sure to use products with more natural ingredients, including lotions, face masks, cosmetics, and hair dyes. Importantly, you must reduce chemical components such as essential oils, pain relief ointments, pain relievers, and patches. As with oral medicine, the importance of timing and dosage is important. and avoid using too much

Dr. Hong Yongxiang said that in addition to reducing daily exposure to the toxins mentioned above, You can also drink enough water to get rid of watery toxins. Take fiber and probiotics to increase intestinal detoxification. Aerobic exercise can also promote metabolism and remove toxins from the skin. Eat more colorful fruits and vegetables to increase your antioxidant capacity and detoxification function in the liver and kidneys.

Thank you for coming from Dr. Hong Yongxiang’s siege therapy for chronic renal failure

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