[Urgent home search]The loyal dog ran from Lau Fau Shan back to the Yuen Long warehouse but was ruthlessly abandoned by the warehouse owner

[Animal News]Dogs are very affectionate and loyal, but in exchange for human betrayal and abandonment. The Yuen Long warehouse dog “Tiger Cub” has always regarded the warehouse as his home, but the owner of the warehouse sent him to another warehouse in Lau Fau Shan because he was dissatisfied with his naughty. Long warehouse. Seeing the return of the tiger cub, the warehouse owner was not only not moved, but ruthlessly planned to find the AFCD to receive the tiger cub. After learning about it, the volunteers rescued the tiger cub from the warehouse owner today, and even described that the tiger cub was very nostalgic for the warehouse at that time and refused to leave the warehouse.The tiger cub is in urgent need of looking for temporary care or adoption. If you are willing to help the cub, please contact“Little Monster. The Wanderer”facebook page.

Volunteer Oscar told this newspaper that Tiger Cub is about 4 to 5 years old. He is a lively, active dog who is close to people. Oscar pointed out that Huzai used to live in a warehouse in Yuen Long and was used as a watchdog by the warehouse owner, but because of his naughty personality, he was trapped in a small place for a time, and Huzai kept wailing and was sent to the warehouse by the warehouse owner. Another warehouse in Fushan.

Unexpectedly, Tiger Boy walked back to the warehouse from Lau Fau Shan a week ago. Seeing how loyal and smart the tiger cub is, not only was the warehouse owner unmoved, but he even more ruthlessly planned to abandon the tiger cub again.

Oscar said that the volunteers decided to rescue the tiger cub, but the tiger cub was very fond of the warehouse. He resisted in the process, sat down again, fought with the volunteers, and found an opportunity to escape. The volunteers managed to take the tiger cub away after many hardships. At present, the volunteers have bathed the tiger cub, and will arrange to be sterilized later. Oscar said: “The tiger cub is very good and arrogant. This time he escaped the power of life and death of the warehouse owner, but he faces the problem of finding temporary care and adoption.”

The post [Urgent home search]The loyal dog ran from Lau Fau Shan back to the Yuen Long warehouse but was ruthlessly abandoned by the warehouse owner appeared first on Hong Kong Animal Post.

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