Urgent Solutions for Asylum Seekers: Camp at Place Sainte-Croix Demands Government Action

2023-09-15 16:28:25

Supported by several associations (Ciré, Solidaris, FGTB, etc.), around a hundred asylum seekers established a camp at Place Sainte-Croix, in Flagey, this Friday around 6 p.m.

At the end of August, Nicole de Moor announced that she was suspending the reception of single male asylum seekers in the Fedasil network. This Wednesday, the Council of State announced the suspension of this decision. Despite this ruling, Ms de Moor maintains her policy.

Supporters and occupants of the camp demand that Secretary of State Nicole de Moor and the government finally put in place solutions to accommodate isolated men in the Fedasil network. In the meantime, the protagonists are asking for urgent solutions to avoid the streets. The organizations are putting forward the roadmap they wrote a year ago, which includes a series of concrete solutions.

#Reception #crisis #asylum #seekers #set #camp #heart #Ixelles

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