US Congress Passes Short-Term Subsidy Bill to Prevent Government Shutdown and Its Impact on Thousands of Employees

2023-10-01 05:26:00

US Congress The bill narrowly passed the short-term subsidy budget allocation bill. In order to prevent the government of President Joe Biden was hit by a ‘shutdown’ that forced government agencies to close. and affected more than 10,000 government employees.

On October 1, 2023, foreign news agencies reported that, finally, the US Senate, in which the Democrats which holds a majority in the Senate Voted 88 to 9 to narrowly pass the short-term budget allocation bill that will give the Biden administration a budget to run state affairs for another 45 days, until Nov. 17. 2023

A short-term funding bill was sent to President Biden. Signed and approved into law in time. Before the deadline at 12:01 a.m. on October 1, 2023, U.S. Eastern Time.

Not long ago, Mr. Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the US House of Representatives from the Republican Party has agreed to support the draft budget allocation bill for short-term subsidies Before the deadline To keep President Joe Biden’s government from being shut down. This will affect more than 10,000 government employees.

As a result, the draft law, which will allocate government funding until mid-November this year, does not include any new aid for Ukraine. It was approved at a meeting of members of the House of Representatives by a vote of 335 to 91.

However, if the US government is shut down It would put tens of thousands of federal employees on furlough without pay. and the suspension of various government services is scheduled after midnight on September 30, US time. or at 11:00 a.m. on October 1, according to Thai time.

This development comes after yesterday a group of hard-line Republican MPs held a majority in the House of Representatives. Do not accept the bill proposed by the Republicans. To provide the central government with a temporary budget. The bill is also unlikely to pass the Senate, where Democrats hold a majority. Because it is proposed to cut the budget expenditures significantly.

Passage of the bill, which would allow federal agencies to continue operations for another 45 days, received more support from Democrats than Republicans. with as many as 90 Republicans voting against it. The move hurt a small group of right-wing Republicans. that held negotiations in the House of Representatives with demands to reduce spending

However, with most lawmakers eager to avoid a shutdown, One of the main demands of the parties is that the United States It will not fund Ukraine against aggression by Russia.

The shutdown came when the House of Representatives and Senate couldn’t agree on about 30% of federal spending that they must approve before the fiscal year begins on October 1, and because Republicans They hold a majority in the House of Representatives. And Democrats hold a majority in the Senate. Therefore, any fundraising measures However, it needs to be agreed upon by both parties.

Attempts to pass such a bill in the House have been thwarted in recent weeks by Hard-line MPs in the Republican Party The group has opposed short-term spending measures. and push for cost reductions through long-term spending bills with agency-specific savings. The bill has little chance of passing the Senate, though.

Mr. Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House of Representatives from republican Showed great reluctance to ask for Democratic votes to pass House legislation. until the last minute This is because doing so will offend these hard-line conservative party members.

But Democrats didn’t get everything they wanted. This is despite voting to avoid a shutdown. and must abandon hopes of providing additional military assistance to Ukraine. By them and the Republicans funding Ukraine. It will continue to face pressure to find additional funding. But officials in President Joe Biden’s administration have warned that in the short term Ukraine’s war effort could be disrupted.

Lawmakers in the Senate are expected to take up the bill quickly. and try to pass the law as quickly as possible Before President Biden signed it into law

Suppose the Senate follows the House’s lead. and approve short-term bills quickly The government will remain open. At least for now

However, the shutdown is likely to repeat in 45 days due to fundamental disagreements over spending levels. and government policy between Republicans and Democrats. Or among Republicans themselves that has not been resolved.

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