US elections 2024: polls and candidate popularity

Update March 15, 2024

America to the vote

The polls relating to the two candidates by state. Data aggregated by FinScience based on the results of 173 American pollsters **. From the menu you can go to the financing map. Weekly updates

Fonte: Sec. **More details in the final notes

How popular are Biden and Trump? Finscience extracts this data by analyzing the spread of news relating to candidates on social networks. At the same time, the analysis looks at “sentiment”, or the tone of the news with respect to the candidates.

In general, the sentiment of politicians tends to be very negative as mostly negative news is shared. However, the data can be useful for making a comparison between the two candidates.

The analysis on popularity and sentiment is also done for the main industrial sectors associated with the topic of the American elections, from utilities to information technology. The analysis, as can be seen in the graphs below, shows how the two candidates are positioned based on the two parameters.

By investigating the socioeconomic characteristics of individual states, some possible determinants of voting emerge. By selecting a candidate, you can see the correlation with the average poverty rate, or the percentage of citizens without insurance coverage, the percentage of the African American population, age and income inequality, measured by the Gini index.

Update March 15, 2024

Socio-economic variables

Correlation for each state between voting intentions for one of the two parties and the value of a series of indices in that same state

Sources: FinScience and Census

Update March 15, 2024

Previous elections

The results of the presidential elections from 1976 to today with details of the preferences of the individual states. By clicking on the cards you can see the winner

#elections #polls #candidate #popularity
2024-03-22 14:19:16

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