Vatican’s Second Participation in World Cycling Competition in Glasgow, Scotland: Uniting Cultures, Languages, and Religions Through Sport

2023-08-01 11:08:57

The competition venue is Glasgow, Scotland. This is the second time that the Vatican will participate in the World Cycling Competition.

Joey Kariveli, Vatican City

and to the Vatican to participate in the World Cycle Rally competition.

The Vatican’s team will also participate in the cycle race in Glasgow, Scotland from August 2-6. This is the second time that the Vatican is involved in the World Cycling Competition. The Vatican team participated in the 2022 tournament in Australia.

From August 2-6, a symbolic spiritual bridge will be built between Lisbon, Portugal, the site of the World Youth Summit, and Glasgow, the site of the cycling competition, and the Vatican team members will cycle across that bridge to show that they are all brothers in sport, a statement said.

Archbishop William Nolan of the Archdiocese of Glasgow said that cycling, like all other sports, is an initiative that helps to unite people of all cultures, languages ​​and religions and to build friendship among all.

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