Víctor Fowler is awarded the Cultural Journalism Prize

The Cuban Ministry of Culture today awarded the José Antonio Fernández de Castro Cultural Journalism Prize to the critic and writer Víctor Fowler, with outstanding performance in defense of national identity.

This award had the endorsement of the jury made up of the intellectuals Guille Vilar, Magda Resik, Pedro de la Hoz, Andrés Machado Conte and Joaquín Borges Triana.

The José Antonio Fernández de Castro Cultural Journalism Prize is awarded annually in recognition of the work of life, and the systematic work and impact in the different media for the incessant promotion of Cuban culture.

The Ministry of Culture also announced that the jury awarded the Mention to Ileana González, a journalist from the Radio Reloj radio station, after a process in which they evaluated 30 nominees from fifty institutions, Culture directorates and media such as radio stations, flat press and digital platforms.

This award is part of the day for the Cuban Press Day, celebrated on March 14.

The award also pays permanent homage to José Antonio Fernández de Castro (1887-1951), who was a prominent journalist, writer, diplomat and fan of historical research.

He belonged to the generation of intellectuals that emerged from the First Vanguard and the Retail Group in the 1920s, and promoted the renewal of artistic languages ​​in Cuba.

With his professional work, he also contributed to the redefinition of authentic values ​​of the national culture and to the rescue of popular traditions ignored until then. (Latin Press)

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