Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Accidents: New Study Reveals Potential Reduction in Risk

2023-07-02 07:04:27

Does vitamin D reduce the risk of cardiovascular accidents? No evidence so far of such a protective effect on the health of the elderly. A team of researchers continued the research and noted a reduction in infarctions, in particular in subjects already followed for the treatment of their cardiovascular disease.

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Known for its benefits for bones and skin, vitamin D may also reduce the risk of cardiovascular events. A new study by Australian researchers reveals that taking vitamin D monthly could even prevent heart attacks in people over 60.

This is not the first time that scientists have looked into the effects of vitamin D on cardiovascular health, and so far no evidence has ever been provided as to a possible link between these two phenomena. But this is the largest essay ever made on the subject. A team of Australian researchers sought to determine whether the monthly intake of vitamin D by the elderly could have an impact on the rate of cardiovascular events, and more particularly on the rate of heart attacks and cerebrovascular accidents.

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Posted in le British Medical Journal (BMJ), the study was conducted among 21,315 Australians aged 60 to 84 who received either a dose of vitamin D or an oral placebo at the beginning of each month, for a period of up to at five years old. In the end, more than 80% of study participants claimed to have taken at least 80% of the suggested doses throughout the study. The researchers then cross-referenced and analyzed the participants’ data on their potential hospital admissions or deaths to determine whether they had suffered heart attacks and strokes, or undergone coronary revascularization.

Fewer cardiovascular events with vitamin D

As a result, the researchers say that the rate of major cardiovascular events was 9% lower in the group of participants who consumed vitamin D, specifying that this corresponds to 5.8 fewer events per 1,000 participants. More specifically, the rate of infarction was lower by 19% in the group concerned with vitamin D, compared to the placebo group, and the rate of coronary revascularization by 11%. On the other hand, the scientists point out that they have noted no difference in the rate of stroke.

Be careful, however, to take into account the limits of this scientific study, if only because the researchers specify that the effects “seemed” more convincing in participants having treatment, at the start of the study, intended to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, such as statins. They also mention that the difference in absolute risk was small between the two groups, although the size of the trial suggests a link between vitamin D intake and heart attack risk.

« Meanwhile, these results suggest that conclusions that vitamin D supplementation does not alter cardiovascular disease risk are premature. “say the authors of the study. And to add that additional work is now justified to determine if this protective effect is indeed more marked in people already under treatment.

#Vitamin #prevent #heart #attacks

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