vitamins that help fight disease and improve memory

During aging, it is natural for organs to begin to deteriorate and slow down in their performance, in some people more than in others. This is determined, sometimes, by the habits that have been had throughout life, as well as the care they have as they enter old age.

at that age there is concern about the development of serious illnesses that can have a great impact on physical and emotional well-being in those years, in which you want to enjoy quality time with those closest to you. Among the conditions that can condition the state of health is Alzheimer’s, the most frequent type of dementia and whose progression generates a significant loss of brain functions.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, one of the characteristics that make this disease complex is that it develops progressively and can be detected at an advanced stage. Nor is it fully understood, although there is research that continues to delve into the subject, what is the origin of this damage to the system that directs the entire organism. Therefore, today it continues to be a condition without a cure.

The only thing that can be guaranteed during the different stages of Alzheimer’s is that the patient is as comfortable as possible and in an environment that does not make him restless and exacerbate the symptoms.

According to what was mentioned by the entity, This disorder ends up degenerating the ability to reason logically, altering the individual’s personality and inhibiting functions such as memory and concentration.

Is it possible to prevent Alzheimer’s?

There is no formula that can prevent the development of this type of dementia. However, it is possible to protect the health of the brain and combat the damage that can increase the risk factors for the appearance of neurodegenerative diseases.

The Mayo Clinic Entity He explains it clearly: “Population studies suggest that factors related to good general health may also reduce the risk of dementia and cognitive decline.” Therefore, during adulthood, and even earlier, people are recommended to have a healthy lifestyle, which tends to maintain the well-being of the body.

In this task, the intake of essential nutrients that favor the health of the human body is essential. Among these, some vitamins are recognized for their positive effect in caring for the brain and helping to improve the functions of this complex system.

In this task, the intake of essential nutrients that favor the health of the human body is essential. Among these, some vitamins are recognized for their positive effect in caring for the brain and helping to improve the functions of this complex system. Photo: Getty images. – Foto: Foto: Getty images.

An article on the aforementioned portal indicates that There is research that has tried to find the relationship between vitamin D and the development of Alzheimer’s, some of these works with results that show that the deficiency of this compound was common among people with a probability of suffering from dementia. Although these conclusions should be further explored, the truth is that this vitamin plays a fundamental role in the body.

According to the Office of Dietary Supplements of the National Institutes of Health of the United States, vitamin D is crucial for muscle and bone structure, but also “muscles need it for movement and nerves to transmit messages between the brain and other parts of the body”, indicates the entity. So its consumption is necessary for the body. It can be found in foods such as milk, fatty fish and some cereals, it is also obtained through sunlight.

Added to this are the B vitamins, which perform various functions in the body. According to the Know Alzheimer portal, vitamin B6 and B12 deficiency can impair cognitive function. The National Library of Medicine of the United States indicates that this vitamin group can be consumed through fish, chicken, eggs, beef, green leafy vegetables, some grains and dairy products.

Additionally, there are studies that suggest that vitamin C can have a positive effect in preventing the development of Alzheimer’s, as referenced by the Hipocampo organization. As the Office of Dietary Supplements specifies, this nutrient stands out for its antioxidant action that fights cell damage caused by free radicals. This can promote brain health. This is obtained mainly through fruits, especially citrus, and vegetables.

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