Wanda Nara Opens Up About Her Health: The Latest Updates and Recovery Journey

2023-07-18 23:44:01
Wanda Nara

After having said that he is going through some turbulence with his health, Wanda Nara surprised his followers by publishing the first photo after the release he made last Monday. In the field of social networks, she moves like few others and from there she centralizes her official communication to shoot every time she has to say something. It is what she happened again this Tuesday night and with an image that she did not need too many words.

“Buenos Aires. 18:17 ″, she sealed synthetic and eloquent about the selfie in which she looks smiling and curled up in a greenish hoodie in the same tone, which quickly went viral and was highly commented on social networks; all wishing him a speedy recovery.

The first photo of Wanda Nara after saying that she is taking care of her health (Instagram)

After several days of uncertainty and concern about her health, she herself decided to put an end to all the questions and go out and tell in the first person how she is. “Good morning everyone, here I am after a few days that I needed for myself, and I want to tell you a little about what happened,” he wrote in a long open letter posted on the afternoon of last Monday, knowing all the questions that arose around to his current state after it emerged that he had to suspend his vacations in Ibiza with his sister, Zaira Nara, to do some exhaustive studies at the Los Arcos Sanatorium, where he went for severe stomach pain and ended up being hospitalized.

“On Wednesday I decided on my own to have a routine analysis, as I usually do every time I travel or once a year. Some values ​​went wrong and I made the decision to be hospitalized to complement with other check-ups that went well. On Thursday, also on my own, I withdrew from that clinic to carry out more studies in a specialized place. I did it looking to provide more information to the results of my first studies”, Wanda explained about the events that took place last week.

“Like all mothers, I tried to hide my fears and anxieties from my children. Above all because she still did not have an accurate diagnosis -she added, referring to the secrecy- of him. Unfortunately, on Friday they received confirmation from a journalist of a diagnosis that I myself did not have. Medicine is not exact and at that time not even 24 hours had passed since my first study. My children always found out everything from me, I always spoke and this was not going to be the exception. But I would have chosen to do it with more results and studies in hand; and above all with my times”.

Wanda Nara’s release about her state of health

Then, the host of Masterchef decided to acknowledge the love that came to her during these days, in which her health became an issue that concerned everyone. “I thank my family, each friend and each one of you for showing me the love you have for me. I am already at home, waiting for more tests and following the instructions of the professionals who accompany me. I will keep it private, especially to protect my children, ”she wrote without giving further details.

A few hours before, Mauro Icardi had shared a picture together. The first since Wanda’s health worried everyone. Embracing each other, and with her leaning on her husband’s shoulder, they can be seen in a selfie of her at her Santa Barbara home, with a lagoon in the background. “Good morning,” was all the player wrote.

In addition, Maxi López – Wanda’s ex-husband – arrived in the country on Sunday morning. “I’m going to stay as long as it takes,” said the former soccer player who traveled to visit his three children, Valentino, Constantino and Benedicto, while he was leaving the Ezeiza airport. He arrived alone, without the company of his partner Daniela Christiansson, nor his daughter Elle, with whom he lives in London.

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