Want to marry a woman even without desire, Millen Cyrus: I want to have children

PEOPLE’S MIND – Nephew Ashanty, Millen Cyrus recently attracted public attention after stating that he was ready to return to ‘fitrah’ when he was buried.

It didn’t stop there, Millen again made a striking statement about his status as a human.

Even though she has remodeled some body parts to look feminine, Millen frankly still wants to marry with women.

“I once had a podcast where I said that I wanted to marry a woman too,” he said.

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That desire comes along with the hope of having child from his own flesh and blood.

“Because I want to have child,” say Millen Cyrus.

His dream marry with women is also driven by the desire of the mother who longs for the presence of a grandchild in her family.

Even so, Millen had expected that there would be no ‘desire’ in his household in the future.

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