War in Ukraine: Moscow gets angry with Switzerland and promises “an appropriate response”

The Russian ambassador to Switzerland, Sergei Garmonin, is not going with tweezers. In a letter sent on April 8 to our colleagues from the program “Temps present” who had requested it and revealed this morning by the RTS, he returns to the sanctions taken by our country (aligned with those of the European Union ) against Russia, in the context of the war in Ukraine.

Mr. Garmonine considers, in particular, “deeply regrettable” the decision of the Federal Council and finds “fully justified” the inclusion of Switzerland in the list of “unfriendly countries”. It also announces “an appropriate response” against us.

In his letter, Sergueï Garmonine also quotes the UDC Christophe Blocher who had declared in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” that by adopting the sanctions, “Switzerland is now a stakeholder in the war”.

The Russian ambassador believes that Switzerland has lost its role as a mediator capable of hosting a meeting to arbitrate the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

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