WEF 2023: Climate activists block Altenrhein Airport

Representatives of the Debt for Climate group provide information at a press conference in an adjacent building at the airport.

Debt for Climate wants countries in the Global South to be forgiven their debts. This would give these countries more opportunities to fight climate change and reduce the global inequality sustained by this debt since colonialism, the spokespersons said.

People from the Global North make money from commodities from the Global South, while these countries are struggling heavily with debt. Even the interest on the debt is a huge burden, the interest amounts are on average ten percent higher than in the Global North.

Many travel to the WEF via Althenrein Airport. There too few voices of activists from the Global South would be heard. Debt for Climate tried to get two activists from Congo accredited, but that didn’t work. However, Debt for Climate will host a webinar with them in the afternoon.

When asked if the goal of debt relief was realistic, a spokesman replied: “Anything is realistic as long as you fight for it and we have many activists around the world who are working towards this goal.”

The fact that it’s just a rally and not a disruptive action doesn’t bother the group. They want to talk about this topic and it works well so far.

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