What are the benefits of masturbation?

Masturbation is the act of stimulating one’s genitals for the purpose of experiencing pleasure. If culturally or in certain religions it can still be frowned upon, masturbation is nevertheless perfectly natural and causes the release of endorphins, nicknamed the hormones of happiness. Contrary to popular belief, masturbation will never damage your genitals or make you deaf or stupid.

Masturbation helps you get to know your body better

Masturbation allows you to discover your anatomy and familiarize yourself with your body. It helps you figure out your likes and dislikes while forging sexual boundaries. In your future relationships with your partners, knowing your body better will allow you to communicate better by verbalizing your preferences.
In order to get to know your body better, you can also start buying a sex toy, such as the kunstvagina which will allow you to have fun at the same time. While for most women reaching orgasm during penetrative sex can be difficult, it is often complex for men to know how female pleasure works and often requires having an open conversation with their partner. .

Masturbation benefits your immune system

In 2004, a study from the University of Essen in Germany conducted on a sample of 11 men established a link between the body and the improvement of the immune system. Indeed, the body caused the increase in the number of white blood cells of the immune system. The role of white blood cells, also called leukocytes, is to fight bacteria and viruses present in the body in the event of an infection.

Masturbation helps fight stress

But masturbation also significantly reduces stress. During orgasm, endorphins, which are the neurotransmitters of pleasure, are released in the body to cause a feeling of general well-being. Other hormones are also released in the body:
Oxytocin : This is the hormone of love. Like endorphin, oxytocin is a neurotransmitter that reduces stress and anxiety.
– Serotonin: neuromodulator, serotonin is involved in the regulation of mood and anxiety.
– Endocannabinoids: they group together several receptors in the human body and, like cannabis, would protect against stress by reducing the connections of the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex.

Masturbation improves sleep quality

According a 2019 study led by M. Lastella, C. O’Mullan, J. Paterson and A. Reynolds, orgasms obtained during masturbation would significantly improve the quality of one’s sleep. This would be due in particular to the release of prolactin, a hormone released during orgasm which plays in favor of fatigue.

Masturbation reduces pain

If you’re on your period and want to reduce the pain caused by menstrual cramps, use a vibrator! Masturbating causes a natural pain reliever through contraction and then relaxation of the pelvic floor.

Orgasm, whether induced by two or alone through masturbation, therefore has many benefits for your body as well as for your mind. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that mutual masturbation requires the consent of both parties. Moreover, it often leads to sexual intercourse with penetration and this must be protected in order to avoid contracting an STI.

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