what are the options in Neuquén

2023-08-18 23:09:05

The results of the Simultaneous and Mandatory Open Primaries (PASO), the devaluation of the peso, the skyrocketing of the dollar and a difficult item to analyze in terms of pricesmainly because almost all of their products are imported, they created the perfect cocktail for the purchase of toys to be seriously impacted in the run-up to Children’s Day (08/20). Neuquén does not escape that scene.

Most of the merchants consulted by RÍO NEGRO newspaper provided a discouraging panorama regarding the volume of sales and purchasing behavior of Neuquinos. All agreed that the inquiries and purchases for this weekend’s festival were given in advance. “Many people bought several days before, we estimate that for fear that the toys will rise from one day to the next”explained one of the people who attends a well-known toy store chain.

The survey carried out by this means shows that traditional toy stores in Neuquén suffered increases of up to 50% in some products. The shared argument: the games are imported.

The price of the official dollar was the main factor that pushed the item, which is experiencing moments of uncertainty and cannot sustain price lists for long.

The impact on toy prices in Neuquén is not a boy’s thing: what are the references?

The varieties are many, for all ages, however some toys have acquired a significant level of interest for being part of campaigns or even making it to the movies.

The emblematic case of the Barbie doll, which came to life in a movie that is still in theaters and broke box office levels, is one of the clearest. The popular plastic blonde is around, in Neuquén, between 60,000 and 65,000 pesos depending on the edition.

«It is one of the most consulted, although the price is scary and many people decide to take another doll or toy that offers other playful benefits», recounted a saleswoman from a downtown business in the capital. They also clarified that there are good quality dolls from 8 and 10 thousand pesos.

The other option with many queries was video games. For the different consoles in the Argentine market. “There are several launches and the most popular range from 15 to 20 thousand pesos,” they confessed to this medium.

Most of the toy products are imported. Photo: Mati Subat

The impact on the prices of toys in Neuquén is not a boy’s thing: the “Made in Argentina” option

Taking into account that there are several national manufacturers, the toy stores that sell their products could be seen as the best option to escape the “dollar effect”. However, this is relative since although it is true that they do not depend on toy imports, their materials in many cases are foreign, something that directly impacts the gondola prices.

Liliana Saladino is one of the merchants who bets on the national market. Her toy store “Imagine” de San Martín 195 only sells educational toys made in the country, however, it confirmed the post-election shake-up PASO.

“We perceive an increase of between 15% and 30% in manufacturers,” told and explained that in most cases the answer was that “wood, paper, wires and the cost of printing are tied to the dollar.”

Despite the fact that its suppliers are small and medium-sized manufacturers, this is the second increase that they have posted in their prices so far this month.

There are national manufacturers, but their inputs are also imported. Photo: Courtesy

“I already have the latest price list, however we have decided not to apply it until after Children’s Day this Sunday, mainly because we know that the situation is complicated and because of a question of customer loyalty”he told this medium. “We hope we don’t lose so much,” he confessed uncertainly.

Liliana described a clear change in customer behavior. “There are busy days and others are very quiet, but the doubt about the increases made many come to buy the gift for this Sunday last month,” explained.

Regarding the toys that he has on the counter, he explained that there are a variety of benefits and values. From creative games for 3,000 pesos to toy furniture sets for 50,000 pesos. The latter are the highest values ​​in your product menu.

Liliana and the other toy stores face the context with great optimism, mainly because there are many clients who make a sacrifice in their pocket to make it happen, with a toy, the smile of the little ones.

#options #Neuquén

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