What are the signs of vagal discomfort?

2023-08-27 09:48:22

Pressure drop, hypoglycemiashock, heart trouble… When you feel like you’re going or if you see someone about to pass out, you react without making any mistakes.

What should I do if I feel vagal discomfort coming on?

In case of strong emotion (stress, sight of blood…) or great fatigue, the vagus nerve – which connects the abdomen to the brain – tries to calm things down by suddenly lowering blood pressure. and heart rate. But, sometimes, it’s too fast and violent for our brain, which bugs. Fortunately, vagal discomfort is never serious, but you can hurt yourself by falling. What are the symptoms of vagal discomfort ? A multitude of signs should give us the flea in our ears: we suddenly feel hot, like hot flashes, but with cold sweats, nausea, ringing ears, we feel the need to yawn, people tell us that you are very pale… This generally occurs when standing, especially in an overheated atmosphere, for example in the middle of a concert or in transport. What to do to avoid vagal discomfort ? Most of the time, we feel the discomfort arriving a few seconds beforehand and we therefore have time to lie down, with, if possible, the legs in the air, to limit the effects of the drop in blood pressure and facilitate the return blood to the brain. If you really can’t lie down, you sit close to the ground so as not to injure yourself by losing consciousness. Good news: after a few minutes, you already feel much better.

  • The right reflex for prevent vagal discomfort : If you are prone to vagal discomfort, it is better to limit risky situations: you choose seats at the concert or in transport, you often change your support or you walk a little when you are in line, etc. We also talk about it to our doctor so that he teaches us the maneuvers of contractions which restart the circulation at the first signs of dizziness (for example, by squeezing the thighs or pulling on the hands very hard).

I get dizzy when I get up too fast

These symptoms occur when blood pressure has not had time to adjust to the change in position and blood has difficulty reaching the brain. We talk about orthostatic hypotension, sometimes linked to fatigue, anemia, lack of hydration… It is also more frequent after the age of 65, especially if you take certain medications: treatment for poorly adjusted blood pressure, diuretics , anxiolytics, antidepressants… Lhe head is spinning, we have stars in front of our eyes, we have to grab hold of a chair or the edge of the bed to avoid falling. What if my head is spinning ? First, we sit down until things pass a bit and, as soon as things get better, we get up very gradually. We use two large glasses of water (about 50 cl) to increase blood volume and quickly raise blood pressure.

  • The right reflex for avoid getting dizzy : If it happens to us frequently, we must get into the habit of getting up slowly, especially when waking up, taking a step in a seated position for 30 seconds on the edge of the bed before standing up. We also make sure to drink 1.5 liters of water a day. If you have venous problems such as heavy legs or varicose veins, wearing compression stockings helps the blood to rise well to the top of the body. We don’t hesitate to talk to our doctor about it, who will check whether we need to adjust our treatments.

I feel bad when I skip a meal

When the blood sugar level is too low, the brain runs out of fuel and the body draws on its reserves to compensate. Result: a more or less intense slack. Like vagal discomfort, thehypoglycemia is accompanied by sweating, nausea… But it happens more when you are fasting or after an effort, when you are already hungry and your legs have been in cotton wool for a little while. It is also more common in unbalanced diabetes. What to do in case of hypoglycemia? To give yourself a boost, take a sugary drink first (non-light soda, fruit juice, sugar water, etc.), the sugar in which passes quickly into the blood. Otherwise, we swallow a fruit, cakes, a piece of sugar…

  • The right reflex for avoid hypoglycemic crisis : If the mornings are long, we do not skip breakfast. At lunch, we focus on carbohydrates low glycemic index (bread, pasta, brown rice, legumes, etc.), which provide long-lasting energy, rather than a salad of raw vegetables or fish + vegetables. In the event of a slump in the afternoon, we do not hesitate to have a snack (dairy, dried fruit, apple, bread + cheese…).

We necessarily think about it… But there are other signs that should alert, especially in women. If we have the impression that we are being squeezed or our whole chest crushed, it can be a heart attack. The pain may also radiate to the left arm or jaw, and be accompanied by pain in the pit of the stomach (above the navel). Sif the pain lasts for more than 20 minutes and goes crescendo, or if it is accompanied by a feeling sick (nausea, cold sweats…), we call 15 without hesitation, at least to get an opinion. We sit or lie down quietly while waiting for help and, if there is someone around, we ask them to stay with us so that we can intervene in the event of cardiac arrest. A heart attack treated within the first hour has every chance of healing without sequelae.

  • The right reflex for avoid heart attack :In case of pain and / or abnormal shortness of breath which is repeated, especially after even minimal effort such as climbing stairs, you consult your doctor, especially if you smoke or if you suffer from cholesterol, hypertension…

I have blurred vision after bumping into myself

A big blow to the head can “jolt” the brain. You have to be attentive in the hours that follow. If the shock is violent, it can cause discomfort, but also nausea, the impression of being in the dark… En case of loss of consciousness, we do not procrastinate and we call 15. If we are “just” stunned, we sit quietly for at least 1 hour, the time to recover, and we watch for possible signs of gravity in the hours (and even the next 3-4 days). In case of drowsiness, difficulty concentrating, balance disorders, vomiting, violent headaches… go to the emergency room to check that there is no bleeding or hematoma that can compress the brain. After the shock, avoid aspirin and ibuprofen so as not to increase the risk of hemorrhage.

  • How to prevent damage: For all activities at risk of concussion in the event of a fall (cycling, skiing, rollerblading…), it is compulsory to wear a helmet!

What if I see someone faint?

First reflex: get the person to safety (for example, if they have fallen in the middle of the road, put them aside), then give the alert by calling 15. If the person is breathing, it may take up to two minutes to return to consciousness. In the meantime, the ideal is to tilt his head gently backwards to allow him to breathe well, or even to place it on the side, in the lateral safety position (PLS). No need to slap her to “wake her up”, but we can talk to her, ask her to open her eyes or shake our hand. On the other hand, in the absence of breathing or pulse, cardiac massage should be started immediately by pressing with the two palms of the hands one on the other on the chest, roughly in the middle of the thorax, at the rhythm of the song Stayin’ Alive. If it’s a public place, we ask someone to find a defibrillator while we do the massage, but, above all, we don’t stop. Whether it is a little or a big discomfort, we try to convince the person to wait for help, who are the only ones who can determine if a passage to the hospital or additional examinations are necessary.

Thanks to Professor Jean-Claude Deharo, cardiologist, head of the cardiology department and syncope diagnosis unit at La Timone hospital in Marseille.

#signs #vagal #discomfort

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