“What I expect from the new leaders is…”

2024-04-10 14:42:09

To celebrate the Korité festival, Karim Wade sent a message to Senegalese citizens, expressing his renewed wishes. In his speech, he also briefly addressed recent political events in Senegal, including the election of Bassirou Diomaye Faye. In addition, he shared his expectations with the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister, Ousmane Sonko, regarding the future of Senegal.

Below, Karim Wade’s column:

→ ALSO READ: Investiture: Karim Wade’s words addressed to President Bassirou Diomaye Faye

« Dear compatriots,

I take the opportunity of this blessed day of Korité to send my greetings to all Muslims and Christians in Senegal. This year, the convergence of young people from the two religious communities takes on particular symbolism, thus strengthening our national unity and our interfaith solidarity.

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The success of the recent presidential election was the fruit of the prayers and commitment of each of you. Thanks to your active participation, we succeeded in organizing a transparent ballot which allowed the democratic election of the President of the Republic Bassirou Diomaye FAYE. I warmly thank the PDS activists, our sympathizers, and our allies who overwhelmingly voted for the new head of state, guaranteeing him a resounding success in the first round.

However, this election also revealed the challenges facing our country, including the prevalence of corruption in our institutions. In politics, ethics are of paramount importance. Political leaders must be exemplary and categorically reject any form of corruption or embezzlement. Integrity and transparency must guide their actions in order to establish a climate of trust and credibility within society.

→ ALSO READ: Karim Wade: “This victory is a first step which will allow us to walk together”

I expect the new authorities to pay particular attention to the fight against this scourge to guarantee a better future for our country. Beyond those in power, we must collectively commit to promoting a culture of ethics in politics, where moral values ​​and respect for democratic principles prevail over personal or partisan interests.

In the same spirit, we must also put an end to hate speech and personal attacks in politics. Serenity and courtesy are essential values ​​to promote constructive and respectful dialogue, thus allowing everyone to participate fully in political life.

The lessons learned from the presidential election of March 24, 2024 invite us to review the sponsorship system to guarantee equitable representation, ensuring the selection of candidates who truly embody the aspirations of our electorate.

I would also like to express my great concern about the violations of political rights which have marked the last decade. It is unacceptable for a citizen to be repressed or persecuted for expressing their political beliefs. We must work together to guarantee freedom of expression and respect for the fundamental rights of all citizens.

Finally, I would like to encourage Senegalese youth to stay engaged and play an active role in building a better Senegal. Your energy, creativity and passion are essential to the future of our nation.

During this time of celebration, I express my most sincere wishes for happiness, peace and prosperity for each of you.

May Korité be an opportunity to strengthen our fraternal bonds and build a more just and prosperous Senegal!

Come on!
Long live Senegal
Long live Africa

Karim Wade »

#expect #leaders

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