What is the urine of a person with cancer like?

Cancer is a chronic disease that occurs due to mutations in the DNA of cells. Inside it are the instructions for the cell to function properly. When there are changes, errors in the indications are generated and the cells become malignant cells.

This disease can start in one organ and spread to other organs. For example, “lung cancer begins in the lungs and can spread to lymph nodes or other organs in the body, such as the brain. In turn, cancer originating in other organs can spread to the lungs. When cancer cells spread from one organ to another, it is called metastasis.”, detail Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In addition, experts from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) explain that cancer can cause different symptoms, depending on where it originates or if it has spread to other parts of the body.

According to the above, the portal American Cancer Society notes that One of the symptoms of bladder cancer is the presence of blood in the urine, a characteristic that is called hematuria.

Likewise, the entity recommends that if a person shows the presence of blood in their urine, they go as soon as possible to a medical center where they perform the respective tests to confirm if it is bladder cancer or another condition.

In addition, the portal indicated that “Blood in the urine does not always mean that you have bladder cancer. More often, blood in the urine is due to other conditions, such as infection, benign (not cancerous) tumors, kidney or bladder stones, or other benign kidney diseases. Even so, it is important that you are examined by a doctor to determine the cause of the problem.”

The most common symptoms of bladder cancer

Bladder cancer occurs when the cells that make up the urinary bladder begin to grow out of control.

As such, the bladder is a hollow organ found in the lower part of the pelvis and has flexible muscular walls that can stretch to store urine and contract to expel it from the body. Urine is a liquid waste that once produced by both kidneys is transported to the bladder through two tubes called ureters.

When the health of the bladder is disturbed, infections usually arise, but alarming symptoms can also occur that can trigger cancer.

In addition to the presence of blood in the urine, there are other silent symptoms that, according to the experts of Cancer Research UK, may be a sign of bladder cancer:

  • Urinate very often.
  • Urinating very suddenly (urgently).
  • Pain or burning sensation when urinating.
  • Weight loss for no reason.
  • Pain in the back, lower abdomen, or bones.
  • Feeling tired and unwell.

Experts explain that the last three symptoms can occur when bladder cancer is advanced or has spread to other parts of the body. For this reason, it is essential to see a doctor in the presence of these symptoms to rule out that it is a urinary infection or bladder cancer.

types of bladder cancer

  • Sarcoma: This usually originates in the muscle cells of the bladder, although it rarely occurs, making it the least common type of cancer.
  • Small cell carcinoma: Less than 1% of bladder cancers are small cell carcinomas and when present, it usually begins in neuroendocrine cells that have characteristics of nerve cells.

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