WhatsApp Desktop gets a makeover for Windows 11

The WhatsApp app for Windows is being redesigned to match the Windows 11 interface.

The app developers WhatsApp have been working for several months on its compatibility across multiple devices. This is reflected in particular by the applications offered on the PC to continue conversations with a very physical keyboard.

Design change

Internet users have noticed that the new beta version of WhatsApp for Windows is changing its interface. It now uses the WinUI 2.6 API to better blend with Windows 11 design codes.

Remember the WhatsApp UWP app? They are now moving to WinUI 2.6+ stylings to get Windows 11 Fluent Design #Whatspp #Windows11 #yourp #FluentDesign pic.twitter.com/94PhDofJC1

– FireCube (@FireCubeStudios) January 17, 2022

The FireCube account took several screenshots to compare the design before and after the update. The changes are not yet very deep: it is necessary to notice a new font or new buttons.

This is currently a beta change, and we can expect more changes before the stable release.

L’application WhatsApp Beta is available on the Microsoft Store.

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