Who scores wins in the Europa League?

Barcelona seeks to follow the strong performances in the matches (Getty)

The big clubs have a golden opportunity to reach the quarter-finals in the championship competitions.European League“In the 2021-2022 season, especially because it is the best party in front of the medium and small competitors after they have qualified for the Champions League, and in particular each of Barcelona And Seville, the most prominent candidates to go far in the tournament.

Galatasaray-Barcelona: whoever scores wins

The Barcelona team missed the opportunity to qualify directly from the first leg, as instead of ending the confrontation with its Turkish rival Galatasaray at home in the Camp Nou stadium with three or 4 goals in front of its fans, it ended the confrontation with a goalless draw and went out without goals after 90 minutes.

Of course, this matter will make it difficult for the “Catalan” club to face the return leg on Thursday evening at the Turkish team’s ground in Istanbul, especially since the latter is armed with its fans who will gather heavily in the stands in order to support the team in the most important match of the current football season.

And the Spanish coach, Xavi Hernandez, knows that any mistake in the second leg will be very costly, especially as the latter seeks to qualify for the quarter-finals at any cost in order to compete for the “European League” title after failing in the Champions League and losing a big point in the league and losing the cup title. Previously, which means that Xavi’s only hope is in this tournament in order to confirm the return of the strong “Catalan” club this season.

But Xavi’s task will not be easy despite the great development witnessed by the Spanish coach’s squad, especially after the distinguished defensive performance of Galatasaray in the first leg and proved that he is able to stop Barcelona for the second time in a row.

The coach of the Turkish Galatasaray team, Dominic Torrant, will rely on one method in the return match, which is the defense of the region to prevent Barcelona from scoring any goal and working on quick transformations and offensive rebounds, hoping to snatch from only one goal enough to qualify for the quarter-finals and the exclusion of the club. Catalan” in a big surprise.

Of course, Xavi knows that the Galatasaray coach will play in this way because opening the stadium to a developed team and playing strong offensive football will be very expensive, and therefore the Spanish coach must also focus on not falling in front of the Turkish team’s rapid offensive transformations, and not focusing only on the offensive side in search of The goal that would improve the team’s morale in the match, which is expected to be very difficult for the “Catalan” club.

In this context, the Spanish newspapers, in particular, “Mundo Deportivo” and “Sport”, expected Xavi to play the match with the same squad that played against Osasuna in the last round of the “La Liga”, with the exception of Dani Alves, who cannot compete with the team on Continental level, and the presence of the French winger, Ousmane Dembele, in the starting lineup is expected to a large extent, given the great level he has shown in recent matches.

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