Why can’t you drink canned pineapple juice?

Photo from open sources.

A Spanish nutritionist told how the liquid surrounding canned fruits, including pineapples, can be hazardous to health.

It turned out that the liquid in such canned food contains 2 times more sugar than the fruit itself. In this case, sugar is either added artificially to increase the shelf life, or concentrated natural juice is used. It is important to note that none of the options is positive. Eating a lot of sugars, and with them empty calories, leads to obesity and the initial stage of diabetes. According to the nutritionist, the same goes for packaged orange juice.

Spanish nutritionist Fatima Hapon believes that with rare exceptions, canned juice can be used in pastries and sweet sauces. However, it will still be much more useful to simply pour this liquid. Moreover, if the product is not labeled as organic, then the nutritionist even advises rinsing the fruit slices under running water. The fact is that for a longer preservation of the product, in addition to salt and sugar, chemical preservatives that are hazardous to health can be added to it.

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