Why Cats Are Afraid of Cucumbers – Life & Model

These days, individuals on social media are sharing movies of their cats’ uncommon reactions to cucumbers.

In these movies, it may be seen that sneaking a cucumber behind a cat whereas it’s consuming startles it, inflicting some cats to leap within the air in concern.

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The pattern has spawned a devoted subreddit known as “Cats Frightened of Cucumbers,” the place customers have posted movies of their cats attempting the trick.

Jill Goldman, a licensed animal behaviorist, advised Nationwide Geographic that cucumbers are triggering pure reactions in cats.

“With a startle response, a cat will typically attempt to get out of the world as shortly as potential after which reassess from a distance,” he defined of cats’ panic reactions.

Pam Johnson-Bennett, writer of Assume Like a Cat, additionally says that inserting cucumbers close to the place cats eat can additional confuse cats, as they typically affiliate these areas with security and safety.

Goldman mentioned it is also potential that cats affiliate cucumbers with snakes, which may be lethal predators.

“When you trigger stress to an animal, it is most likely not factor,” he added.

#Cats #Afraid #Cucumbers #Life #Model
2024-05-16 22:43:42

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