Why consult a psychologist: benefits, services and solutions

For what consult a psychologist ? What are the benefits, services and solutions offered by this mental health professional? You may have found yourself facing difficulties or psychological suffering during your life, and you may have been asked to consider undertaking a consultation. But before embarking on this path, it is important to understand what exactly the job of a psychologist entails and why this profession can offer you specific benefits. In this blog, I will endeavor to answer all of these crucial questions so that you can make informed decisions about the care that is right for you.

What is a psychologist?

A psychologist is a health care professional who provides counseling, psychotherapy, and other forms of psychological help to help people develop, resolve crises, or move on to a higher stage in life. Psychologists generally obtain their university degree and license after completing training in the humanities and social sciences.

Their knowledge usually includes basic scientific principles, psychological assessment, behavioral and cognitive intervention, counseling theory and practice.

What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?

Both psychiatrists and psychologists have expertise to offer patients. While psychiatrists can prescribe medication to treat psychiatric conditions, psychologists cannot prescribe medication but are qualified to offer advice and support on issues such as how to deal with stress or find harmony in your life. .

Although these professions are related, they are distinct: a psychiatrist is a doctor who has received additional training in psychiatry while a psychologist is not a doctor.

What are the areas of specialization of psychologists?

Psychologists deal with issues related to behaviors, thoughts, feelings, and relationships. Most of them work with several types of clients: adults, teenagers and children.

They are specialized in different fields such as: psychopathology (mental disorders), behaviorism (behavioral and cognitive therapy), humanism (person-centered therapy), the dynamic system (family and marital therapy) or analysis. transactional (AT). Some specialists also practice in more specific branches such as hypnosis, the Palo Alto School or even Analytical Body Expression.

What are the benefits of seeing a psychologist?

Consulting a psychologist can have several advantages for clients, some of which are: making the client aware of deep unconscious issues; learn to identify and control the limiting factors of psychological functioning; improve quality of life, well-being and mental health; learn how to deal effectively with problems and crises; acquire coping and interaction strategies in the face of life changes and challenges, etc.

When and why should you see a psychologist?

What are the signs that indicate that you should see a psychologist?

There are several signs that may indicate that you may need the help of a psychologist. These include: a persistent inability to manage stress or pressure; a constant feeling of emptiness, sadness or hopelessness; a persistent inability to find or maintain healthy relationships with others; significant self-esteem issues; unexplained physical illnesses; recurrent inner conflict between emotions and thoughts; persistent difficulty concentrating, etc.

What are the benefits of seeing a psychologist?

Consulting a specialist is often beneficial as they can help identify the root causes of problems, offer practical solutions to overcome these difficulties, and offer unbiased help in treating persistent symptoms resulting from mental disorder. The therapies offered by some professionals also explore the unconscious and mental behavioral patterns that cause these problems, allowing the client to learn how to better manage their emotional load and interpersonal relationships.

What are the risks of not consulting a psychologist?

Failure to consult a specialist can lead to harmful consequences such as poor management of stress or everyday behavior which can later lead to an aggravation of existing mental disorders or the appearance of new problems such as aggression, anxiety or depression. It is important to remember that if the signs persist without specific treatment for a long time, they can lead to harmful effects on your body and mind.

How to find the right psychologist for you?

How do I find a qualified psychologist?

There are several ways to find a qualified psychologist. The first is to speak to your GP who can recommend an appropriate specialist.

You can also do research online, as well as seek personal advice from friends or family members who have already seen a psychologist. Once you find one or more psychologists, check their credentials and reputation to make sure they are properly trained.

What are the criteria to take into account to choose the right psychologist?

Once you have identified a psychologist, some questions should be considered before scheduling an appointment:

  • The specific area in which they work (psychopathology, behaviorism, humanism, system dynamics, etc.)
  • The type of consultation offered (individual, family or conjugal)
  • Availability and flexibility of appointment times.

What are the costs associated with consulting a psychologist?

The costs associated with a consultation vary according to the type of services offered by the psychologist and the duration of the consultations. Some services may be covered by health insurance or social assistance funds; while some centers offer low rates and installment programs to provide assistance to low-income people.

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