Why does hair loss increase in September?

12:24 PM

Saturday 30 July 2022

Hair loss occurs naturally during all seasons, but experts have indicated that it may increase specifically in the month of September, and it is known as seasonal hair loss.

This is believed to be related to temperature changes in the Northern Hemisphere, where temperatures drop in the fall, after prolonged exposure to the sun during the summer, and the stress caused by returning to work, according to “Russia Today”.

But after it peaks in September, hair loss slowly declines, with rates lowest in January, according to Harley Street trichologist Mark Blake.

Other factors that lead to loss of follicles include sunburn, changes in hormone levels and diet.

October is the turning point for hair as hair loss begins to recede, down to its lowest levels in January.

Blake added: “Stress is not only fatal to the body, but it is also fatal to hair follicles. It increases the body’s production of adrenaline and cortisol, which disrupts the natural growth cycle of hair and leads to excessive hair loss. Stress that affects hair loss can be classified into five categories: Death, divorce, debt, diagnoses, and layoffs are common factors for most of us.”

Read also: Suffering from hair loss?.. Here’s the right diet

Regarding hormonal changes, especially menopause, Blake added: “Some female hair follicles are particularly sensitive to androgens, a group of hormones that includes testosterone and androstenedione. It is a metabolite of testosterone and has been linked to hair loss.

Blake’s comments come as part of research of 2,000 adults, by hair care brand Nioxin, that found that as many as six in 10 had experienced hair loss in their lifetime.

Blake suggests that it’s not just the skin that needs protection from the sun, but the hair as well.

“Usually, hair breakage can be prevented from sun exposure, however, most people ignore the power of the sun’s rays,” he said. “Blond or fine hair needs the utmost protection.”

When it comes to dieting, Mark warns that this may also affect hair strands, explaining: “Since hair is a non-essential tissue, it is the first thing that the body neglects if there is a lack of minerals or vitamins, so a balanced diet It is the key to hair growth.

Tough times at work, having children and divorce were among the major life events that British respondents believe cause major changes to their hair, according to the study, which was released to mark Hair Loss Awareness Month.

According to the study, optimal hair growth occurs at the age of 15-30 years, and begins to diminish at the age of 40-50. It is normal for hair loss to occur on a daily basis as we lose between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs per day, which is something that almost everyone does not notice. However, when the precipitation exceeds this limit, it becomes significantly more pronounced.

The study indicated that the average age at which hair loss is first noticed is 34 years.

Hair follicles are the second most productive cell in the body, thus hair follicles require a lot of nutritional energy for optimal hair growth.

A Nioxin spokesperson said: ‘There are many life events that can cause hair loss, and it is important to understand the science behind it.

Read also: Do you practice it? – A dangerous habit during the shower that may lead to hair loss

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