Why Eating the Same Foods Every Day Can Impact Your Health: The Importance of a Varied Diet

2023-06-19 14:31:18

With our lives in a hurry, we often choose foods and prices very similar when making our intakes. And many times you realize that you eat the same salad over and over again for several days in a row. This means that even if it is a healthy platehaving fixation with food and repetitive feeding it can be worrying for you welfare. Because if you eat the same toast with avocado or scrambled eggs with vegetables for lunch and also eat the same foods for dinner, it becomes a monotonous diet and in the long run, it will affect your health.

Why eating the same every day affects your well-being

The first consequence of always eating the same foods for your well-being can be a deficit of some nutrient or some excess of it because “although we repeat the groups of macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins or fats, within those groups the diversity of the food should be key,” says Itziar Digon, nutritionist and expert in Mindful Eating. And the expert confirms that, in addition, our intestine likes the food variety and in rotation to benefit from the absorption of all the nutrients. “A tomato is not the same as a pepper because of the type of nutrients it provides us and it would be good to alternate them because it is positive at the intestinal level, the same with other food groups.” Also, as Dr. Elena Soriamedical nutritionist Menorca Clinic“if there is a deficiency of a micronutrient, it will affect us in every way and depending on the micronutrient that we lack, we can have everything from fatigue to multiple pathologies that are sometimes difficult to identify and would be due to that deficiency.”

The psychological effects of eating the same thing

Nutritionists recommend alternating the fruits and vegetables that we eat daily. Antonio Terrón.

Another of the consequences of always eating the same thing is psychological. “We need to adhere to a long-term healthy eating plan so as not to fall into boredom with food because it can make us look for stimulation in processed products that are not beneficial for the body,” Digón also warns. Therefore, stimulating the palate with varied foods is a sure success to maintain a healthy eating plan in the long term.

Good gut health requires a variety of foods

According to different studies, even if we eat a balanced diet, it all comes down to our gut health And people with better gut bacteria eat many different types of vegetables each week, something that’s hard to do if you eat the same foods every day.

Varied diet to prevent diseases

In addition, a varied diet is essential to protect our body from diseases and to have well-balanced and strong intestinal bacteria because these are responsible for 80 percent of our immunity. And also, different studies ensure that intestinal bacteria produce serotonin in such a large amount that it has been shown to be equal to what our brain produces from what we eat healthy food and varied is also vital to our mental health.

Alternate the vegetables you eat

Good intestinal health depends on a wide variety of balanced foods and nutrients.Alfonso Zubiaga.

Between the foods that we should vary the most according to experts vegetables rich in fiber such as raspberries, broccoli, peas, artichokes, lentils, whole grains or apples stand out. But also fermented foods As the yoghurthe kefirthe kombucha and the chukrut that contain a great amount of bacteria that we need. It is also essential to vary the intake of foods rich in polyphenols such as cocoa, green tea, almonds or blueberries that are probiotics and act as food for the intestinal flora. And if you have difficulties maintaining a varied diet with these types of foods, try to supplement your diet with a daily probiotic.

How to learn to eat more variety and without stress

It is also true that thinking about what we are going to eat and cook in the coming days can generate some stress and that is why it is a good idea to get used to preparing your food and organizing it for the week to have a balance of all the nutrients. “One day you can have red meat, another chicken, or white fish, another pork, another blue fish, another rabbit, another egg… alternate vegetables and salads by white (cauliflower, asparagus…) red (tomato, beetroot) , pepper…) green (spinach, broccoli, chard…) purple (red cabbage, blueberries…) and act in the same way with carbohydrates, chickpeas, pasta or potatoes”, recommends Dr. Soria.

we can make a weekly menu using all the nutrients always under the premise of half the plate of vegetables or salad (with all the colors you can), a quarter of protein and a quarter of carbohydrates, each day a different one of both. We can also vary dinners, and organize them. If we have eaten meat, take fish for example, not consuming red meat more than one day a week.If we run out of time… We can resort to preserves, fish, vegetables, natural or in virgin olive oil (which we will drain) or frozen, always reading the labels very well to make sure that they do not have unnecessary ingredients of poor quality.As for breakfast, we should also vary it, especially if we are going to be many hours later without taking anything. “We should banish coffee and cookies and follow the same premise for the rest of the meals: eating protein, fruit and slow-burning carbohydrates, such as rye bread, for example, or oatmeal. We can vary the protein, egg, Serrano ham without bacon, white cheese or kefir and never forget the good fats that can be virgin olive oil, avocado or nuts” says Dr. Soria.

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Tricks to vary your diet

Have a lot of vegetables and fruit in your fridge in sight so you can organize quick salads. Join the nuts for breakfast, as a snack or also for your shakes and salads. Put the nutrients on the plate by categoriesproteins, vegetables, carbohydrates, and see what is missing. remember to drink waterespecially now in summer, if you find it difficult, give it flavor by adding bits of fruit, cucumber, mint, a squeeze of lemon or whatever comes to mind. Plan your menus for the weekend. Ask your family, friends or colleagues for new recipes and incorporate them into your dishes. If you eat the same thing every day, start by substituting ingredients little by little. Change the meat one day for a blue fish, another day for a legume salad, alternate a refined food for its integral version and always have canned fish and vegetables in the pantry as well as in the freezer, always all the most natural foods possible.
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