Why Some Supermarket Eggs Are Fertilized: Understanding Chicks in the Egg

2024-03-24 07:39:29

Anyone who buys eggs in the supermarket actually assumes that they are unfertilized. After all, you don’t want to hatch them, but rather use them for cooking or baking. But there are always cases in which customers report that chicks have hatched from the eggs they bought in the supermarket. How can this happen despite quality control? And how do you know whether a… Chicks in the egg is?

Chick in the egg: Why some supermarket eggs are fertilized after all

Normally there should only be unfertilized specimens in a pack of eggs. But sometimes there is a chick in the egg – at least purely hypothetically. Because we only speak of an embryo when the egg hatched becomes. Before that it is just a cell nucleus. But how can this get into the supermarket egg?

Usually only female chickens are kept in the egg industry. How Peta Reported, but happen from time to time when determining gender Mistake, as the male and female young animals look quite similar. Roosters also accidentally end up laying eggs. By the time these are discovered, the chickens may have already laid many fertilized eggs.

This is how you recognize a fertilized chicken egg

Are you wondering how to recognize a fertilized egg? In fact, it’s not that easy with an egg with an intact shell. White eggs can be candled. There are spider web-like blood vessels see. With brown eggs, candling is much more difficult and is only possible with a special candling lamp.

When an egg is opened it shows germ disc, which is located below the egg yolk, indicates whether the egg is fertilized or not. If a white, opaque circle with a strong border can be seen on the germinal disk, the egg is fertilized. One then speaks of a so-called blastoderm, the first stage of embryonic development.

By the way, there is a red dot in the egg yolk, the so-called houndstooth no identifying mark whether the egg is fertilized. Instead, these are small pieces of tissue from the chicken’s intestines. Around 15 percent of all eggs have this red dot, which, by the way, says nothing about the quality of the egg.

Chick in the egg: can you eat fertilized eggs?

In principle, a fertilized egg can be used in the same way as an unfertilized one – as long as it has not yet been hatched. Only then does the chick develop in the egg. Before that there are no differences – not even in taste.

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