Winco: the legendary turntable company that resurfaced and is all the rage in Argentina

2023-04-17 23:42:21

In Argentina in the middle of the last century, there were many companies that remained engraved in the popular imagination, either because of the brand or because of some emblematic product.. That is the case of Winco that was dedicated to the manufacture and commercialization of electronic devices, such as televisions, radios, recorders. Although it is directly related to one of its flagship products: the wincophon, a turntable with an iconic automatic arm. Yes ok the company had stopped operating as such, today the brand is active again.

Although it is not the same company, a business group decided to buy the brand to start a home appliance company. For this reason we contacted the CEO of Winco, Miguel Goldcher who spoke about the reinsertion of the emblematic brand in the Argentine market.

“In the 1970s it was the most important electronics factory in the country and it exported to all of Latin America and produced 1,500 units a day,” explained the interviewee. Although “Due to lack of updating of the plant and imports, Winco closed its doors in the 1980s“. Meanwhile, a group of partners to which it belongs Goldcher in 2005 took over the brand.

Today Winco has 150 different products, of which 40 are made in Argentina”said the CEO. “There is a large part of the finished products that we bring in from China.” “We mix domestic products with imports and today Winco is among the top three brands in terms of quality and price,” he said.

Regarding the problems to bring merchandise from abroad, Miguel Goldcher said: The import is complicated for finished products, but to import inputs there is an import quota“. “Normally, we are having import permits.”

The impact of the pandemic on Winco

Home consumption increased significantly in the pandemic“said the businessman and added that”there was a boom in the topic of household appliances in a pandemic”where “the sales of some household appliances doubled and even tripled” Among the products preferred by people is the robot vacuum cleaner, which costs about 40 thousand pesos, Goldcher said.

“In an inflationary age people don’t save anything, so any appliance between 10,000 pesos and 30,000 pesos is easy to sellbecause people cannot buy a car or an apartment”, but a product of this type.

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