Woman had relations with a dolphin! This is how NASA research concluded

In the year of 1960, at NASA had the idea of ​​doing a strange experiment, in which they sought to create a communication between humans and dolphins. The researchers in charge of this study were the astronomers John Lily and Frank Drake and Margaret Howe who joined the team some time later, in 1964.

Something peculiar is that Howe simply entered the investigation out of curiosity, where she met Peter, the dolphin that they were studying in the laboratory “Dolphin House”, located in the Virgin Islands.

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How did the relationship between Peter and Howe begin?

At the time the woman began the tests to teach her make very human-like soundsHowe became so interested that he went so far as to live in the laboratory, to spend more time with the animal. As a result of this, they began to establish a relationship, since she decided to use as a method of approach, the same one used by a mother or teacher to teach a minor to communicate.

According to her, to achieve this, I had to spend 24 hours a day with Peter, by way of immersion. The dolphin began to make these sounds very quickly and very similar to people when they talk, however, It was never a perfect imitationsince they only sought to create that communicative bridge between human beings and the aquatic species.

Is it a case of Zoophilia?

Since the two already spent a lot of time together, Peter loved Howe much more than the other researchers, going so far as to bond with her so much. making movements against your body as samples of sexual desire. The researchers say that when this happened, what Margaret did was begin to masturbate the dolphininstead of taking him to where the females of his species were.

After knowing this, Margaret Howe expressed the following before public opinion: “It was not something sexual on my part, maybe if sensual. It seemed to me that it strengthened the bond, not because of the sexual relationship, but because of not having to move on. That’s really all it was, or I was there to meet PeterAnd that was part of Peter.”

After this, the researcher did not speak about it again and some time later, the BBC made a documentary called “The Girl Who Talked to Dolphins”. The author of the investigation expressed that the project ended, however, it was involved in controversy, rumors and negative comments about it. Later, Peter was transferred to an aquarium in Miami, where he died of moral grief for his separation from Howe.

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