Woo Sang-hyuk’s next goal in ‘Golden Haunting’… “Winning the Paris Olympics!”

High jump Woo Sang-hyeok, who became the first Korean track and field athlete to win a gold medal at the World Indoor Championships, returned to gold. With his unique confidence, he expressed his ambition to become a pioneer in Korean athletics.

Correspondent Lee Jeong-chan.


Woo Sang-hyuk, who returned with his first gold medal around his neck, proudly expressed his feelings saying that it is just the beginning.

[우상혁/높이뛰기 국가대표 : ‘최초라는 타이틀’, 항상 목이 말랐었죠. 하하. 앞으로도 최초, 최초, 최초, 더 경신하고 싶은 생각이 듭니다.]

After crossing the 2m31, which was the biggest crisis of this tournament, in the final 3rd period, he looked down at the bar and shared the reason why he folded his arms.

[우상혁/높이뛰기 국가대표 : 봤나? 내가 지금 현재 랭킹 1등이다. 이제부터 시작이다. 다음 높이에서 한 번 승부해보자.]

Woo Sang-hyeok, who is 188 cm tall, his primary goal is to join the so-called ‘dream 50 cm club’, where he jumps more than 50 cm taller than himself.

While setting a new Korean record of 2m 36 this year and approaching the goal by 2cm, he continues to challenge the 2m 37 and raises his senses.

[우상혁/높이뛰기 국가대표 : 세계 기록을 세운 몬도(듀플랜티스)도 6m 19를 50번 넘게 도전했다고 알고 있거든요. 저도 2m 37을 도전할 수 있는 기회를 쌓고 쌓다 보면 넘어갈 것이고.]

Knocking and knocking at the outdoor world championships in July and the Asian Games in September, in Paris two years later, I am dreaming of breaking the walls of the Olympics.

[우상혁/높이뛰기 국가대표 : 2024년 파리올림픽 우승하는 게 최종 목표입니다. 최종적으로 2m 40도 넘어갈 수 있을 거라고 생각이 듭니다. 충성!]

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