World Hamster Day – What to look out for before buying 2024-04-15 08:18:07

These little pets…hamsters, are adorable, wonderful pets and bring countless moments of joy to the whole family. Also, they have proven to be real “healers” at home, with a myriad of psychological and physiological benefits.

So, on this day, it’s time to look at some things you should know before you decide to bring a hamster into your family.

Once you have decided that you want to get a hamster, you should first be able to distinguish which of all the hamsters in the store are healthy, what their coat should look like, and also rule out the possibility of any hamster in pregnancy. So let’s see together what steps you should follow for a proper hamster purchase.

First you should ask the breeder to take the hamster you have chosen or smelled out of the cage for you to examine thoroughly. You will notice up close that he has small hairs in his chest, which will fall out when he grows up, however it is a sign of health and should be there while he is still a baby.

It is a good idea to ask the breeder to give you the youngest hamster, so that he can learn from you as a baby and you have the opportunity to train him properly. In general you should make sure that he does not have scratches, that his coat is shiny and that his eyes are not cloudy. If you see that he has some patches of heavy hair on the back of his body, this is normal and nothing to worry about.

Male or female hamster?

Also, will you be troubled by the choice of gender, i.e. should you get male or female? This is generally not important to know. However, if you choose to get a female, you should ask the breeder to be as young as possible, i.e. under five or six weeks, to rule out the possibility of pregnancy, and instead of getting one, you end up with ten hamsters!! Keep in mind that it is difficult to have many hamsters as they are solitary animals and each hamster should be in a separate cage. And we mention this even for the case that you are thinking of getting two hamsters, that is to say that it is better to get one first so that it has the right care.

When you come into contact with him, your movements should be slow and soft, as he is a new kind of pet, with which you are not as familiar as you might be with a dog or a cat. You should generally be relaxed and not make sudden movements, which may injure it, as it is very small, sensitive and, due to its poor eyesight, easily startled.

In general we would say that they are very easy pets. They live in a cage and you should feed them at least once a day. Be aware that they love fruit, especially berries (all varieties), strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, apples, pears and even peaches, but you should remove the seeds before offering them.

I would urge you not only to keep them in the cage, but to get to know them and play with them. There are also various toys on the market that you can get to keep them busy, either running or playing with various ropes. They are generally active animals and keep in mind that, due to their small and flexible body type, they can easily escape from their cage, so it is good to choose a cage with thick iron bars so that they cannot escape easily.

In conclusion, my dear pet parents, we would say that hamsters are lovable and very playful animals. They are harmless, they won’t bite you unless you scare them, threaten them or startle them, and are an ideal choice for families with small children.

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#World #Hamster #Day #buying

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