World Pushes for Palestinian Equality at UN – 2024-05-13 06:52:14

143 countries approved the General Assembly Resolution regarding the Admission of New Members to the United Nations (Antara – Reuters)

THE MAJORITY of countries in the world that are permanent members of the UN are pushing for Palestinian equality. As proof, 143 countries approved the General Assembly Resolution regarding the Admission of New Members to the United Nations.

Only 25 UN members abstained and 9 voted against it. According to Padjadjaran University international relations expert Teuku Rezasyah, the facts above are very promising for Palestinian independence. Apart from gaining additional rights in this forum, this resolution also increases the opportunity for countries that have been colonized by Israel since 1948 to become permanent members.

“The voting notes are very promising, because UN members seem to fully support the establishment of a Palestinian state that is sovereign, united, fair and internationally noble,” he said to Media Indonesia, Sunday (12/5).

The hope mentioned above feels closer, he said, considering the incessant peaceful demonstrations throughout the world, which essentially overturn all forms of lies and lies that have been directed at Palestine.

For this reason, the General Assembly urged the UN Security Council (DK) to make Palestine, which has been an observer for more than 10 years, become the 194th member of the UN. In fact, the UN Security Council is an obstacle for Palestine to obtain this status.

“For the umpteenth time, Palestine will face direct obstruction from the United States (US), which has veto rights, and is accustomed to using these veto rights according to its national interests, which are often at odds with the peaceful aspirations of the world community,” he explained.

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He estimates that the US will question the credibility of the Palestinian state, which he considers does not meet the legitimacy stated in the 1933 Montevideo Convention. The aspects that the US will use to undermine credibility include territory, population, government and diplomatic relations.

Regarding territory, he said, the US would highlight the Palestinian area whose boundaries continue to get smaller, scattered and uncertain according to international law. The identity and number of the population is also difficult to determine, and they are spread throughout the country and abroad.

In addition, continued Reza, the US considers that Palestine has not been able to form a government that is strong, effective, sustainable and represents all forces in its society. Next, Palestine is still seen as weak in carrying out international relations properly based on international law as stated in the UN Charter.

“Thus, it cannot be ascertained whether the hopes of the majority of world countries will be realized, for Palestine to become the 194th member of the UN,” he concluded. (Z-8)

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