Xbox Launches New, Smaller, Cheaper Xbox Series X Mini Fridge | Xbox One

You read that right: Xbox has just launched a new refrigerator on the market. The third, therefore, after the Xbox Series X Fridge sponsored by rapper Snoop Dog and the Xbox Mini Fridge at large scale. Here comes the all new Mini-Me Xbox Series X Mini Fridge!

Smaller and cheaper

At Xbox, it seems that the shortest jokes are not the best… After the launch from a miniaturized and refrigerated replica of the Xbox Series X to the end of 2021, a new model is appearing. We owe this announcement to Aaron Greenberg, who speaks of an even smaller and more economical model.

The Mini-Me Xbox Series X Mini Fridge is officially released in the wild. The team received many requests to make a smaller version of the same product at an even lower price. It holds 8 cans, is available now for $79 @Walmart. The launch will also take place globally.

The successful sale of the first miniaturized model had attracted the attention of scalpers ill-intentioned and it was not uncommon to find copies costing several hundred euros on online resale sites. With this more accessible version, Xbox is therefore relaunching the production of a derivative product which should once again be a great success. Aaron Greenberg also talks about improvements in design and noise reduction, which we finger points.

For comparison and to get an idea of ​​the size change made, the first model was about 45 cm high and about 23 cm wide and deep. The new model announces measurements reduced to about 36 cm in height for about 19 cm in width and depth. What to fit more easily into a setup. Aaron Greenberg specifies however that the first model remains available for sale.

At present, only the American chain Walmart vend this new mini-fridge retails for $79, which is $20 less than the previous model. No news has yet been given about a release date for the rest of the world. In France, the Micromania brand had obtained exclusivity distribution of the product. YouTuber Brad Sams already offers a comparison of the two models.

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