Yasmine Sabry breaks her silence and clarifies the details of her divorce

After rumors spread regarding the cost of the Egyptian actress’s divorce from her compatriot, businessman Ahmed Abu Hashima, who officially signed a few days ago, the famous actress broke her silence, denying this altogether.

The outcome of the artist, Yasmine Sabry, from her marriage, which ended in divorce, occupied social media and media platforms, while sources circulated regarding the last of the friendship estimated at 15 million pounds, and her acquisition of a factory for lenses and another for clothes, and the possession of 24 cars, Sabry stated in her denial, and confirmed that she married businessman Ahmed Abu Hashima in 2020, without a dowry or dowry. And the website “Sada Al-Balad” quoted the artist, Yasmine Sabry, as saying that Abu Hashima was a very generous husband with her during the marriage and was surprising her with gifts, but what was said regarding her obtaining 15 million pounds is incorrect, and Yasmine said, “Everything is divided and shared, thank God, the separation. It was done quietly.”

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