(Your son, when he saw your scene with the leader, Adel Imam in Helfoot, what did he do?) .. An unexpected shocking response from Farida Seif Al-Nasr

The artist Farida Seif Al-Nasr raised controversy with some of the roles she presented, as some considered her bold, including her role in the movie “Helfoot” with leader Adel Imam.

The artist Farida Seif Al-Nasr, during a previous interview with the media, Safaa Abu Al-Saud, on ART, told about the scene of “Fash for Chicken” between her and Adel in the movie “Helfoot.” She said: The scene was not like this at all, and I had a problem that day with Osama, who is the father of my son, because he was jealous is very.

She added: I am supposed to go under the bed because my husband opened the door and entered, and I did not know. Adel Imam, Bakhsh was supposed to hide from the other side. Of course, I could not tell Professor Adel in front of what you did. Of course, I died in my skin, but the order of God was executed, and of course he carried out his weight on my back. And sincerely!!

In response to your son’s question, when did he see the scene of Adel in front of what he did? Farida Seif Al-Nasr said: My son was young, but he did not fry at all, but I feel that when there are things that are shown on the screen, he is annoyed, but Muhammad respects me very frankly.

It is noteworthy that the movie “Helfoot” was produced in 1985, starring Adel Imam, Saeed Saleh, Elham Shaheen, Hussein El-Sherbiny, Salah Kabil and Farida Seif El-Nasr. The script was written by Waheed Hamed and directed by Wahid Farid, directed by Samir Seif and produced by Sawt El-Fan Films Company.

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