With a Libyan proposal… designating an international football day

New York – On Tuesday, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring May 25 as World Football Day.

May 25 marks the centenary of the first international football tournament in history, which was held on May 25, 1924 during the Summer Olympics in Paris.

The draft resolution, presented by Libya’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Taher Al-Sunni, was unanimously adopted by the 193-member General Assembly, and more than 160 countries co-sponsored it.

Al-Sunni, who presented the resolution, told the General Assembly that “football is the number one game that is played and followed around the world.”

But he stressed that football is more than just a game for all ages, played in the streets, villages, schools and squares for fun and competitions.

He added that because of its “unparalleled position” in the world of sports, “football is a global language that is spoken around the world, transcending national, cultural, social and economic barriers.”

He also stated that the game has become a “pivotal platform” that supports gender equality and societal integration, on “a common ground where individuals from different backgrounds meet, in order to enhance understanding, tolerance, respect, and mutual solidarity.”

The resolution encourages all countries to support football and other sports as a tool to promote peace, development and the empowerment of women and girls.

Denis Francis, President of the General Assembly, welcomed the adoption of the resolution.

“Football, like many other sports, is based on the values ​​of camaraderie, teamwork, fair play and tolerance, and is a tool for building peace and solidarity around the world,” he said.

Source: “Agencies”

#Libyan #proposal.. #designating #international #football #day
2024-05-09 10:18:16

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