[사회]Lee Won-seok, ‘Kim Geon-hee’s Suspicion’ Investigation Restoration Review…

Maintaining exclusion from investigation command even after the change of minister and president
Deutsche Motors’ additional involvement… Command Restoration Interest
Ministry of Justice, Supreme Prosecutors ponder over how to restore the president’s command
Han Dong-hoon, Chancellor’s command is unlikely to be exercised

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The new Prosecutor General Lee Won-seok is reviewing whether to restore command in the case of Mrs.

However, it is said that they are struggling over the restoration method, as it is unprecedented, and the restoration procedure and the legal judgment issue for the former commander are intertwined.

By Hyo-Jeong Son.


Former Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae, twice in the past year, excluded then-Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol from directing the investigation into a case involving him.

Starting with the Channel A case involving Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon, Deutsche Motors’ stock price manipulation and suspicion of illegal supply and demand for nursing hospitals, including the case of former President Yoon’s family, and suspicion of lobbying for the Lime Fund.

After the change of minister and the resignation of former President Yoon, the exclusion of investigation command was maintained, and it was the same even after the Yoon Seok-yeol administration.

However, recently, the issue of restoring command of the investigation has risen to the surface again as the circumstances of the involvement of First Lady Kun-hee Kim in relation to the Deutsche Motors stock price manipulation case were additionally disclosed.

[이원석 / 검찰총장 (인사청문회 당시) : 다시 수사지휘를 할 수 있는 정상적인 상황이 된다고 하면 모든 책임은 총장이 지고 충실하게 수사할 수 있는 그런 방안을 강구 해야 하지 않나….]

Although there is no disagreement on the direction of restoration of command, both the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office are deeply concerned about the specific method.

First, there is a way in which the Minister of Justice can exercise a new command by revoking the command that has been exercised in the past.

Since Minister Han Dong-hoon has declared that he will not exercise command from the time of his inauguration, the possibility is slim.

[한동훈 / 법무부 장관 (인사청문회 당시) : 법무부 장관의 구체적 사건에 대한 수사 지휘권이 이렇게 막강한 것인 줄 몰랐습니다. 이 부분에 대해서 과감하게 내려놓을 겁니다. 구체적 사건에도 개입하지 않을 거고요.]

Accordingly, it is known that the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office has made a legal judgment that the exercise of command itself in the past was illegal, and internally reviews the method of declaring that it is invalid.

However, in this case, along with political repercussions, it is reported that the former commanders, including former Minister Park Beom-gye and former President Kim Oh-soo, who maintained the exclusion of the president’s command, may lead to charges of neglect of duty, so they are being cautious.

A high-ranking official at the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office explained that the minister’s command is possible for specific cases, not specific people, and the conflict of interest has already disappeared when the president changes, but it is difficult to reach a conclusion due to procedures and various legal issues.

Currently, the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office is investigating the suspicion of Deutsche Motors stock price manipulation and the sponsorship of Cobana contents, and there is no progress after the body was arrested and some charges were dismissed.

Although it is often thoughtful, it seems that President Won-seok Lee will sort out the issue of restoring command in some way early in his inauguration, so it is noteworthy how the two cases will be closed.

This is Hyo-Jeong Son from YTN.

YTN Son Hyo-jeong ([email protected])

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