[아는 것이 힘] Stomach ulcers that do not heal well, aspirin is not recommended

[이데일리 이순용 기자] Modern people who are tired of overwork and stress suffer from gastrointestinal disorders. A little bit of heartburn has been a thing for a long time now. Although they live with heartburn and bloating, not many people go to the hospital with such mild symptoms. Proper prevention and treatment are essential as gastric ulcer, a symptom of gastrointestinal disorder thought to be mild, develops and can lead to fatal complications such as peritonitis if left unattended.

The stomach secretes acid and pepsin to digest food. When the gastric mucosa is healthy, the gastric wall is not damaged because there is a substance that protects them. Helicobacter pylori infection is the main cause, and gastric ulcer occurs when the gastric mucosa is overstimulated or destroyed due to excessive gastric acid, irritating food, smoking, drinking, etc.

◇ Stomach cancer cells are sometimes found in chronic stomach ulcers

A stomach ulcer is a condition in which part of the flesh of the stomach has fallen off and is deeply dug. In many diseases, such as stomach ulcer, gastritis, reflux esophagitis, and duodenal ulcer, ‘heartburn’ or abdominal pain often appears. Weight loss and nausea, along with abdominal pain, are relatively common.

Hematemesis, bloody stool, anemia, etc. may appear due to gastric ulcer, and chronic pyloric ulcer may develop into gastric outlet obstruction, resulting in persistent symptoms such as diarrhoea and vomiting.

Kim Seung-han, a professor of gastroenterology at Korea University Guro Hospital, said, “It is known that there is no correlation between gastric ulcer and gastric cancer. “Stomach cancer cells are sometimes found in gastric ulcers that do not heal well, so if there are symptoms, an accurate diagnosis through a gastroscopy is necessary,” he said.

Diagnosis is mainly made through endoscopy, and biopsy should be performed to confirm whether the ulcer is malignant. In addition, it is necessary to check for infection by performing a Helicobacter pylori test. Treatment is to take gastric acid secretion inhibitors for 4 to 8 weeks, and if Helicobacter pylori is present, antibacterial treatment is performed. In the case of gastric ulcer, endoscopy may be performed again to check for changes in the ulcer lesion after the end of treatment. If complications such as gastric perforation due to ulcers occur, surgical treatment is sometimes performed.

◇ To prevent stomach ulcers, you must change your lifestyle first.

To prevent stomach ulcers, you should try to avoid stress by getting enough rest and sleep. It is good to remove factors that directly damage the gastric mucosa through smoking cessation and abstinence from alcohol. You should also avoid caffeinated beverages such as coffee, spicy foods, and very cold or hot foods. It is also important to avoid overeating and adhere to regular meal times. Avoiding irritating foods that are too spicy and salty and eating fresh or less processed foods is also a way to relieve the burden on the stomach. If you are taking medications such as pain relievers or aspirin, you should stop taking these medications, or if you cannot stop taking them, talk to your doctor about taking them.

Professor Kim Seung-han said, “All gastrointestinal diseases, including gastric ulcer, require constant prevention and management through periodic endoscopy and examination above all else. It is preferable to do this,” he advised.

stomach ulcer. Provided by Korea University Guro Hospital

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